Information for motif2

Reverse Opposite:

log p-value:-3.759e+01
Information Content per bp:1.770
Number of Target Sequences with motif155.0
Percentage of Target Sequences with motif25.45%
Number of Background Sequences with motif5881.0
Percentage of Background Sequences with motif12.87%
Average Position of motif in Targets91.4 +/- 56.3bp
Average Position of motif in Background98.6 +/- 73.7bp
Strand Bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density)-0.0
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together)1.17
Motif File:file (matrix)
reverse opposite

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20.8921e-13-31.83619920.53%10.07%motif file (matrix)
30.6791e-12-27.94301136.95%24.01%motif file (matrix)
40.6171e-9-21.8891299.52%3.81%motif file (matrix)
50.6831e-8-20.51571715.11%7.81%motif file (matrix)
60.6941e-6-15.71454411.99%6.31%motif file (matrix)
70.7071e-6-14.8384086.57%2.69%motif file (matrix)
80.7601e-6-14.4581386.73%2.84%motif file (matrix)
90.6341e-5-13.0147451.31%0.13%motif file (matrix)
100.7861e-5-12.2700565.25%2.14%motif file (matrix)
110.6911e-3-9.0814065.75%2.87%motif file (matrix)
120.6641e-3-7.1775786.08%3.44%motif file (matrix)
130.6841e-3-7.1023991.97%0.65%motif file (matrix)