Sample mapped_passed duplicates_failed secondary_passed paired in sequencing_failed duplicates_passed read2_passed read1_failed read1_passed with mate mapped to a different chr_passed total_failed properly paired_passed_pct singletons_passed supplementary_passed singletons_passed_pct mapped_failed_pct mapped_passed_pct supplementary_failed with itself and mate mapped_failed mapped_failed total_passed properly paired_failed flagstat_total with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ >= 5)_passed properly paired_failed_pct with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ >= 5)_failed with itself and mate mapped_passed read2_failed with mate mapped to a different chr_failed properly paired_passed paired in sequencing_passed singletons_failed secondary_failed singletons_failed_pct NaomicfDNA2_S2_R1 141033433 0 29781 0 0 85674936 0 85674936 2414232 0 79.34 1130392 0 0.66 nan 82.29 0 0 0 171379653 0 171379653 1654593 nan 0 139873260 0 0 135947912 171349872 0 0 nan NaomicfDNA4_S3_R1 142096448 0 42154 0 0 126608213 0 126651937 2074670 0 54.2 2090008 0 0.83 nan 56.1 0 0 0 253302304 0 253302304 1355843 nan 0 139964286 0 0 137262548 253260150 0 0 nan NaomicfDNA5_S1_R1 106099492 0 34587 0 0 133507698 0 133572113 1665802 0 37.77 3033471 0 1.14 nan 39.72 0 0 0 267114398 0 267114398 1008588 nan 0 103031434 0 0 100876018 267079811 0 0 nan