Information for motif2

Reverse Opposite:

log p-value:-2.835e+03
Information Content per bp:1.616
Number of Target Sequences with motif7584.0
Percentage of Target Sequences with motif18.72%
Number of Background Sequences with motif3479.5
Percentage of Background Sequences with motif4.67%
Average Position of motif in Targets190.8 +/- 104.2bp
Average Position of motif in Background228.7 +/- 184.7bp
Strand Bias (log2 ratio + to - strand density)0.1
Multiplicity (# of sites on avg that occur together)1.03
Motif File:file (matrix)
reverse opposite

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40.6731e-416-960.0003307.87%2.27%motif file (matrix)
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60.8271e-283-653.69374645.08%34.24%motif file (matrix)
70.6881e-209-481.92387525.64%17.84%motif file (matrix)
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90.6011e-163-376.0736985.15%2.11%motif file (matrix)
100.7311e-98-227.3958255.08%2.62%motif file (matrix)
110.6531e-94-218.5987843.63%1.64%motif file (matrix)
120.6331e-83-193.3744602.83%1.20%motif file (matrix)
130.6121e-53-123.5091289.10%6.56%motif file (matrix)