| Total Read Pairs | Distinct Read Pairs | One Read Pair | Two Read Pairs | NRF = Distinct/Total | PBC1 = OnePair/Distinct | PBC2 = OnePair/TwoPair |
rep1 | 20277628 | 15195899 | 11301481 | 2983102 | 0.749392 | 0.743719 | 3.788500 |
ctl1 | 16340490 | 7720329 | 4661764 | 1212451 | 0.472466 | 0.603830 | 3.844909 |
NRF (non redundant fraction)
PBC1 (PCR Bottleneck coefficient 1)
PBC2 (PCR Bottleneck coefficient 2)
PBC1 is the primary measure. Provisionally
  | numReads | estFragLen | corr_estFragLen | PhantomPeak | corr_phantomPeak | argmin_corr | min_corr | NSC | RSC |
rep1 | 14960689 | 125 | 0.212731201599165 | 55 | 0.2076376 | 1500 | 0.1958873 | 1.085988 | 1.433493 |
Normalized strand cross-correlation coefficient (NSC) = col9 in outFile
Relative strand cross-correlation coefficient (RSC) = col10 in outFile
Estimated fragment length = col3 in outFile, take the top value
Important columns highlighted, but all/whole file can be stored for display
Nt | N1 | Np | conservative_set | optimal_set | rescue_ratio | self_consistency_ratio | reproducibility |
0 | 163 | 0 | N/A | N/A | NaN | 1.0 | 1 |