# WARNING: this file is not sorted! # db id alt consensus E-value adj_p-value log_adj_p-value bin_location bin_width total_width sites_in_bin total_sites p_success p-value mult_tests 1 CCAGCCTGGGYGACAGAGYRAGACTCY MEME-10 CCAGCCTGGGYGACAGAGYRAGACTCY 4.9e-026 6.6e-029 -64.89 0.0 12 42 64 68 0.28571 3.3e-030 20 2 M0085_1.02 (TFAP2E)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.99) THGCCYSVGG 5.2e-007 7.1e-010 -21.07 0.0 5 59 17 30 0.08475 2.4e-011 29 2 M0177_1.02 (TWIST2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NMCATATGTN 2.8e0000 3.8e-003 -5.57 0.0 3 59 3 3 0.05085 1.3e-004 29 2 M0398_1.02 (ZSCAN10)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.82) NGKRAGTGCNN 5.7e-002 7.7e-005 -9.48 0.0 20 58 37 57 0.34483 2.7e-006 28 2 M0404_1.02 (ZNF202)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.87) NNNKGGGGSV 1.4e0000 1.9e-003 -6.29 0.0 31 59 15 15 0.52542 6.4e-005 29 2 M0424_1.02 (SNAI3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.75) NNTGACAKNN 6.5e-003 8.7e-006 -11.65 0.0 41 59 61 64 0.69492 3.0e-007 29 2 M0442_1.02 (ZBTB3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NNTGCAGYG 3.2e-005 4.3e-008 -16.95 0.0 26 60 57 73 0.43333 1.5e-009 29 2 M0443_1.02 (KLF12)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) DGGGYGKGKY 1.9e-004 2.6e-007 -15.17 0.0 7 59 12 16 0.11864 8.9e-009 29 2 M0629_1.02 DMRT3 MATGTATCAAN 3.2e-001 4.4e-004 -7.74 0.0 38 58 37 39 0.65517 1.6e-005 28 2 M0714_1.02 (ENSG00000235187)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NDBCGGAWRY 2.5e-001 3.4e-004 -8.00 0.0 35 59 34 37 0.59322 1.2e-005 29 2 M1030_1.02 (NKX2-3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NVYACTTVD 2.3e-002 3.1e-005 -10.39 0.0 22 60 38 55 0.36667 1.1e-006 29 2 M1359_1.02 (MYPOP)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.97) NWTTGCGCCR 2.9e0000 3.9e-003 -5.55 0.0 43 59 42 44 0.72881 1.3e-004 29 2 M1418_1.02 C11orf9 TGGTACCA 1.1e0000 1.4e-003 -6.56 0.0 39 61 47 53 0.63934 4.7e-005 30 2 M1528_1.02 (RFX6)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.66) VCNTRGYWAC 3.0e-020 4.0e-023 -51.56 0.0 3 59 27 43 0.05085 1.4e-024 29 2 M1529_1.02 (RFX7)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) VCNTRGCAAC 6.6e-001 8.9e-004 -7.03 0.0 15 59 15 22 0.25424 3.1e-005 29 2 M1592_1.02 (SOX3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NNNWCAAT 6.1e0000 8.3e-003 -4.80 0.0 43 61 54 60 0.70492 2.8e-004 30 2 M1668_1.02 PRKRIR NCCVNVSKRNNN 1.3e-007 1.7e-010 -22.48 0.0 9 57 34 64 0.15789 6.2e-012 28 2 M1838_1.02 TFAP2A NHYDGCCYSAGGGCA 6.0e-002 8.0e-005 -9.43 0.0 4 54 7 11 0.07407 3.1e-006 26 2 M1915_1.02 (ZNF76)_(Xenopus_laevis)_(DBD_0.84) KCRWKGMATBMTGGGARDTV 4.2e-009 5.6e-012 -25.90 0.0 7 49 25 37 0.14286 2.4e-013 24 2 M1919_1.02 YY1 CAARATGGCBGC 2.0e-001 2.7e-004 -8.22 0.0 3 57 8 22 0.05263 9.7e-006 28 2 M1925_1.02 CEBPA DRTTRTGCAAT 6.9e-001 9.3e-004 -6.98 0.0 44 58 54 56 0.75862 3.3e-005 28 2 M1950_1.02 ZNF354C GTGGAK 5.4e-005 7.3e-008 -16.43 0.0 35 63 50 54 0.55556 2.4e-009 31 2 M1963_1.02 (ZFY)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.97) SSSGSCBVGGCCTS 3.4e0000 4.6e-003 -5.38 0.0 15 55 18 30 0.27273 1.7e-004 27 2 M2065_1.02 ESR2 RGGKCANBSTGACCT 1.2e-003 1.6e-006 -13.35 0.0 2 54 12 45 0.03704 6.1e-008 26 2 M2268_1.02 CEBPB KATTGCAYMAY 7.5e-002 1.0e-004 -9.20 0.0 40 58 52 55 0.68966 3.6e-006 28 2 M2273_1.02 E2F6 RGGCGGGARRV 6.1e-005 8.2e-008 -16.31 0.0 30 58 44 48 0.51724 2.9e-009 28 2 M2278_1.02 FOS DVTGASTCATB 6.0e-003 8.1e-006 -11.72 0.0 12 58 11 12 0.20690 2.9e-007 28 2 M2292_1.02 JUND DRTGASTCATS 6.0e-003 8.1e-006 -11.72 0.0 12 58 11 12 0.20690 2.9e-007 28 2 M2303_1.02 NR2C2 TGACCTYTGACCYCB 3.9e-002 5.3e-005 -9.85 0.0 14 54 17 23 0.25926 2.0e-006 26 2 M2391_1.02 KLF5 DGGGHGGGGC 4.5e0000 6.0e-003 -5.11 0.0 7 59 8 16 0.11864 2.1e-004 29 2 M4428_1.02 NR3C1 RGVACAYTBTGTYC 6.0e-003 8.1e-006 -11.72 0.0 19 55 33 46 0.34545 3.0e-007 27 2 M4438_1.02 ESRRA RGGTCANKSTGACCY 8.3e-003 1.1e-005 -11.40 0.0 18 54 28 38 0.33333 4.3e-007 26 2 M4459_1.02 EGR1 SBGCGKGGGCGGVGGSGSGG 7.1e-005 9.5e-008 -16.17 0.0 11 49 16 18 0.22449 4.0e-009 24 2 M4471_1.02 PAX5 BCAGYSRAGCGTGAC 4.5e-008 6.0e-011 -23.53 0.0 6 54 24 44 0.11111 2.3e-012 26 2 M4476_1.02 RFX5 TCABYWGTTGCYRGG 2.8e0000 3.8e-003 -5.57 0.0 14 54 12 17 0.25926 1.5e-004 26 2 M4525_1.02 TFAP2C NGCCYSAGGSCANDB 1.5e-001 2.0e-004 -8.53 0.0 6 54 8 12 0.11111 7.6e-006 26 2 M4526_1.02 SMARCC1 DSRVDGTGASTCABV 1.8e0000 2.5e-003 -6.00 0.0 34 54 20 20 0.62963 9.6e-005 26 2 M4551_1.02 ZNF274 YTCAYACTGGAGAGAAA 2.7e-002 3.6e-005 -10.23 0.0 16 52 15 17 0.30769 1.4e-006 25 2 M4565_1.02 FOSL2 VDGGATGASTCAYH 4.6e-001 6.2e-004 -7.38 0.0 9 55 11 18 0.16364 2.3e-005 27 2 M4619_1.02 FOSL1 BGGTGASTCAK 8.4e-004 1.1e-006 -13.69 0.0 10 58 11 12 0.17241 4.0e-008 28 2 M4623_1.02 JUNB NDRTGASTCATNYHY 7.7e0000 1.0e-002 -4.56 0.0 14 54 11 16 0.25926 4.0e-004 26 2 M4629_1.02 NFE2 VRTGACTCAGCANWWYB 6.2e-001 8.3e-004 -7.09 0.0 18 52 20 27 0.34615 3.3e-005 25 2 M4698_1.02 HNF4A BTGRMCTTTGVMCYB 4.4e-002 5.9e-005 -9.74 0.0 18 54 27 38 0.33333 2.3e-006 26 2 M4971_1.02 (FERD3L)_(Drosophila_melanogaster)_(DBD_0.89) GTVACAGVTG 1.0e-002 1.3e-005 -11.22 0.0 13 59 17 24 0.22034 4.6e-007 29 2 M5398_1.02 ERF ACCGGAAGTR 1.1e-002 1.4e-005 -11.16 0.0 33 59 25 25 0.55932 4.9e-007 29 2 M5420_1.02 ETV1 ACCGGAAGTD 3.3e-003 4.5e-006 -12.32 0.0 33 59 27 27 0.55932 1.5e-007 29 2 M5422_1.02 ETV3 ACCGGAAGTR 5.5e0000 7.4e-003 -4.90 0.0 33 59 24 27 0.55932 2.6e-004 29 2 M5430_1.02 FIGLA WMCACCTGKW 9.3e0000 1.2e-002 -4.38 0.0 9 59 5 6 0.15254 4.3e-004 29 2 M5435_1.02 FOXB1 TCGCYGTGTCATTC 2.3e-014 3.1e-017 -38.01 0.0 13 55 41 49 0.23636 1.1e-018 27 2 M5512_1.02 HIC2 VSYGGGCAY 3.9e0000 5.3e-003 -5.25 0.0 34 60 47 59 0.56667 1.8e-004 29 2 M5621_1.02 MEIS3 SCTGTCAH 3.8e-003 5.1e-006 -12.18 0.0 41 61 67 72 0.67213 1.7e-007 30 2 M5628_1.02 MGA AGGTGTGA 3.5e-007 4.7e-010 -21.47 0.0 23 61 39 45 0.37705 1.6e-011 30 2 M5873_1.02 TBR1 AGGTGTGAAA 1.9e0000 2.5e-003 -5.99 0.0 27 59 23 28 0.45763 8.6e-005 29 2 M5889_1.02 TBX21 GGTGTGAHWTCACACC 3.3e-002 4.4e-005 -10.02 0.0 35 53 32 32 0.66038 1.7e-006 26 2 M5896_1.02 TBX4 AGGTGTGA 8.8e-004 1.2e-006 -13.64 0.0 7 61 22 54 0.11475 4.0e-008 30 2 M5974_1.02 ZNF524 GGGTTCRAGGGT 2.5e-005 3.4e-008 -17.19 0.0 11 57 14 15 0.19298 1.2e-009 28 2 M6123_1.02 (ZNF281)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) GRGKTGGGGGAGGGG 2.9e-002 3.9e-005 -10.15 0.0 6 54 7 8 0.11111 1.5e-006 26 2 M6144_1.02 TFAP2B BCCCBCRGGC 2.3e-019 3.1e-022 -49.51 0.0 1 59 18 33 0.01695 1.1e-023 29 2 M6146_1.02 TFAP2D ACGSGCCBCRGGCS 1.8e-001 2.4e-004 -8.34 0.0 3 55 4 4 0.05455 8.9e-006 27 2 M6150_1.02 ARNT2 GYSYSCCACGNC 1.4e-008 1.9e-011 -24.70 0.0 1 57 15 67 0.01754 6.7e-013 28 2 M6181_1.02 CREM CRVTGACGTCA 2.1e0000 2.8e-003 -5.86 0.0 26 58 27 35 0.44828 1.0e-004 28 2 M6199_1.02 EGR2 DGVGTGGGCGG 1.0e-016 1.4e-019 -43.43 0.0 2 58 20 34 0.03448 4.9e-021 28 2 M6200_1.02 EGR3 WGAGTGGGYGT 3.2e-016 4.3e-019 -42.28 0.0 2 58 19 31 0.03448 1.6e-020 28 2 M6207_1.02 ELK1 RCCGGAAGT 2.9e0000 3.9e-003 -5.54 0.0 36 60 29 32 0.60000 1.4e-004 29 2 M6210_1.02 ENO1 YDSMCACRTGSYB 2.3e-005 3.1e-008 -17.29 0.0 2 56 8 12 0.03571 1.2e-009 27 2 M6213_1.02 ERG ACCGGAARTSM 9.4e-003 1.3e-005 -11.28 0.0 32 58 29 30 0.55172 4.5e-007 28 2 M6223_1.02 ETV5 GHCAGGAAGWWAY 1.1e-008 1.5e-011 -24.92 0.0 32 56 61 63 0.57143 5.6e-013 27 2 M6224_1.02 ETV7 KCMHCAGGAAGTRACDY 1.1e0000 1.4e-003 -6.56 0.0 32 52 25 26 0.61538 5.7e-005 25 2 M6228_1.02 FOSB CTGACTCAYV 2.5e-005 3.4e-008 -17.19 0.0 11 59 21 30 0.18644 1.2e-009 29 2 M6259_1.02 GCM1 HWNATGCKGGYMBB 6.6e-004 8.9e-007 -13.93 0.0 13 55 15 17 0.23636 3.3e-008 27 2 M6267_1.02 GLIS3 GYGGGGGGTM 1.8e-005 2.5e-008 -17.52 0.0 5 59 14 24 0.08475 8.5e-010 29 2 M6268_1.02 HAND1 AAWKCCAGAYVC 7.9e-001 1.1e-003 -6.85 0.0 13 57 12 17 0.22807 3.8e-005 28 2 M6269_1.02 HBP1 AYYCATTGA 3.7e-014 5.0e-017 -37.54 0.0 18 60 41 44 0.30000 1.7e-018 29 2 M6272_1.02 HESX1 AKKYYAYKWGCCRSVT 3.7e-020 4.9e-023 -51.36 0.0 5 53 31 40 0.09434 1.9e-024 26 2 M6274_1.02 HIC1 GGGKTGCCC 8.5e-004 1.1e-006 -13.68 0.0 40 60 55 57 0.66667 3.9e-008 29 2 M6277_1.02 HLF SKRTTACRYAAYC 2.9e-001 3.9e-004 -7.85 0.0 40 56 47 49 0.71429 1.4e-005 27 2 M6293_1.02 HOXA7 KCCAATCKATYGAKB 6.4e-001 8.6e-004 -7.06 0.0 14 54 16 24 0.25926 3.3e-005 26 2 M6322_1.02 KLF1 CAGGGTGKGGC 2.3e-004 3.0e-007 -15.01 0.0 12 58 23 35 0.20690 1.1e-008 28 2 M6323_1.02 KLF3 HRCYWGGGTGKGGCT 8.2e-005 1.1e-007 -16.02 0.0 4 54 12 21 0.07407 4.2e-009 26 2 M6333_1.02 MAFG MATGACT 1.0e-013 1.4e-016 -36.53 0.0 8 62 33 50 0.12903 4.6e-018 30 2 M6339_1.02 MECP2 YYCCGGS 6.6e0000 8.8e-003 -4.73 0.0 16 62 6 6 0.25806 3.0e-004 30 2 M6349_1.02 MYBL2 WYAACCKSBA 3.7e-001 5.0e-004 -7.60 0.0 35 59 21 21 0.59322 1.7e-005 29 2 M6359_1.02 NFE2L1 NATGACD 6.7e-011 9.1e-014 -30.03 0.0 8 62 32 55 0.12903 3.0e-015 30 2 M6360_1.02 NFE2L2 VRTGACTCAGCA 1.3e-001 1.8e-004 -8.65 0.0 33 57 51 60 0.57895 6.3e-006 28 2 M6370_1.02 NFKB2 GRAATBYCCCT 4.2e0000 5.7e-003 -5.17 0.0 32 58 18 19 0.55172 2.0e-004 28 2 M6374_1.02 NKX2-1 STCAAGKGCH 5.2e-003 7.1e-006 -11.86 0.0 21 59 40 58 0.35593 2.4e-007 29 2 M6377_1.02 NKX2-8 TTCAAGKRC 9.2e-005 1.2e-007 -15.91 0.0 20 60 36 48 0.33333 4.3e-009 29 2 M6379_1.02 NKX3-2 VRYTAAGTGGV 3.0e-003 4.0e-006 -12.42 0.0 28 58 52 65 0.48276 1.4e-007 28 2 M6381_1.02 NR0B1 YSTCCCMCKC 1.6e-005 2.2e-008 -17.64 0.0 35 59 59 63 0.59322 7.5e-010 29 2 M6382_1.02 NR1D1 WYTGACCTAYTTWT 2.0e0000 2.7e-003 -5.90 0.0 31 55 20 21 0.56364 1.0e-004 27 2 M6389_1.02 NR2C1 VTGACCTCYBRSC 6.6e0000 8.9e-003 -4.73 0.0 18 56 22 36 0.32143 3.3e-004 27 2 M6402_1.02 OVOL1 KGTAACKGT 9.2e0000 1.2e-002 -4.39 0.0 44 60 25 25 0.73333 4.3e-004 29 2 M6406_1.02 PAX2 RHTCAGTSAYGMGTGAYW 3.4e-001 4.6e-004 -7.68 0.0 5 51 12 31 0.09804 1.9e-005 25 2 M6411_1.02 PAX8 BTVAYTSRMGYRKR 1.6e-002 2.2e-005 -10.72 0.0 15 55 32 54 0.27273 8.2e-007 27 2 M6419_1.02 PKNOX1 MATCARTCAABYB 1.2e-010 1.6e-013 -29.46 0.0 10 56 29 38 0.17857 6.0e-015 27 2 M6432_1.02 PPARD TGACCTTTVNCCTR 8.2e-002 1.1e-004 -9.11 0.0 15 55 15 19 0.27273 4.1e-006 27 2 M6433_1.02 PPARG GKKMMCTTTGACCYASWT 2.4e-002 3.2e-005 -10.35 0.0 13 51 19 27 0.25490 1.3e-006 25 2 M6441_1.02 PTF1A GSRCASSTGTKSDNTTYCCYG 1.7e-001 2.2e-004 -8.41 0.0 28 48 26 27 0.58333 9.7e-006 23 2 M6442_1.02 PURA CCMBGCCCNCCMMYWCC 3.3e0000 4.4e-003 -5.42 0.0 20 52 26 38 0.38462 1.8e-004 25 2 M6463_1.02 SMAD1 RSCCTGTCTGCC 1.6e-009 2.1e-012 -26.88 0.0 19 57 54 70 0.33333 7.6e-014 28 2 M6464_1.02 SMAD2 GTGTCHGKCTV 3.0e-002 4.1e-005 -10.11 0.0 22 58 25 31 0.37931 1.5e-006 28 2 M6465_1.02 SMAD3 STGTCTGBCY 3.0e-013 4.0e-016 -35.44 0.0 15 59 47 60 0.25424 1.4e-017 29 2 M6466_1.02 SMAD4 TGTCTGBCY 1.2e-010 1.6e-013 -29.47 0.0 14 60 37 48 0.23333 5.5e-015 29 2 M6468_1.02 SNAI1 SCAGGTGK 7.6e0000 1.0e-002 -4.58 0.0 15 61 9 12 0.24590 3.4e-004 30 2 M6498_1.02 NR5A1 TGRCCTTGR 7.2e-001 9.7e-004 -6.93 0.0 6 60 8 15 0.10000 3.4e-005 29 2 M6499_1.02 RBPJ CGTGGGAAM 4.5e-001 6.0e-004 -7.42 0.0 6 60 10 22 0.10000 2.1e-005 29 2 M6503_1.02 TBX2 GKSRCDBYTCACACCTVTGWDKBCA 1.2e-001 1.6e-004 -8.74 0.0 22 44 17 17 0.50000 7.6e-006 21 2 M6505_1.02 TBX5 AGGTGTGA 4.7e-005 6.4e-008 -16.57 0.0 23 61 50 68 0.37705 2.1e-009 30 2 M6527_1.02 TWIST1 MCCCAGGTGK 2.5e-003 3.4e-006 -12.59 0.0 5 59 9 13 0.08475 1.2e-007 29 2 M6535_1.02 WT1 GMGGGGGCGKGGG 1.4e-001 1.9e-004 -8.57 0.0 24 56 14 14 0.42857 7.1e-006 27 2 M6542_1.02 ZBTB6 VGRTGATRGAGCC 1.8e-012 2.4e-015 -33.67 0.0 12 56 37 47 0.21429 8.8e-017 27 2 M6545_1.02 HIVEP2 GGYDGGGWAACYSS 1.1e-002 1.5e-005 -11.11 0.0 5 55 9 14 0.09091 5.5e-007 27 2 M6547_1.02 ZFX SVGSSSSSCAGGCCBVGSC 7.1e-006 9.5e-009 -18.47 0.0 4 50 14 24 0.08000 4.0e-010 24 2 M6548_1.02 ZIC1 KGGGWGGTV 2.7e-002 3.6e-005 -10.23 0.0 6 60 8 11 0.10000 1.2e-006 29 2 M6550_1.02 ZIC3 BGGGTGGYC 1.6e-009 2.1e-012 -26.87 0.0 6 60 18 24 0.10000 7.4e-014 29 2 M6552_1.02 ZNF148 KGVGKGGGGGAGGGG 2.3e-001 3.1e-004 -8.08 0.0 4 54 8 17 0.07407 1.2e-005 26 ## # Detailed descriptions of columns in this file: # # db: The name of the database (file name) that contains the motif. # id: A name for the motif that is unique in the motif database file. # alt: An alternate name of the motif that may be provided # in the motif database file. # consensus: A consensus sequence computed from the motif. # E-value: The expected number motifs that would have least one. # region as enriched for best matches to the motif as the reported region. # The E-value is the p-value multiplied by the number of motifs in the # input database(s). # adj_p-value: The probability that any tested region would be as enriched for # best matches to this motif as the reported region is. # By default the p-value is calculated by using the one-tailed binomial # test on the number of sequences with a match to the motif # that have their best match in the reported region, corrected for # the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match in a sequence # falls in the region is the region width divided by the # number of places a motif # can align in the sequence (sequence length minus motif width plus 1). # When CentriMo is run in discriminative mode with a negative # set of sequences, the p-value of a region is calculated # using the Fisher exact test on the # enrichment of best matches in the positive sequences relative # to the negative sequences, corrected # for the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match (if any) # falls into a given region # is the same for all positive and negative sequences. # log_adj_p-value: Log of adjusted p-value. # bin_location: Location of the center of the most enriched region. # bin_width: The width (in sequence positions) of the most enriched region. # A best match to the motif is counted as being in the region if the # center of the motif falls in the region. # total_width: The window maximal size which can be reached for this motif: # rounded(sequence length - motif length +1)/2 # sites_in_bin: The number of (positive) sequences whose best match to the motif # falls in the reported region. # Note: This number may be less than the number of # (positive) sequences that have a best match in the region. # The reason for this is that a sequence may have many matches that score # equally best. # If n matches have the best score in a sequence, 1/n is added to the # appropriate bin for each match. # total_sites: The number of sequences containing a match to the motif # above the score threshold. # p_success: The probability of falling in the enriched window: # bin width / total width # p-value: The uncorrected p-value before it gets adjusted to the # number of multiple tests to give the adjusted p-value. # mult_tests: This is the number of multiple tests (n) done for this motif. # It was used to correct the original p-value of a region for # multiple tests using the formula: # p' = 1 - (1-p)^n where p is the uncorrected p-value. # The number of multiple tests is the number of regions # considered times the number of score thresholds considered. # It depends on the motif length, sequence length, and the type of # optimizations being done (central enrichment, local enrichment, # score optimization).