This is a link to a summary of the MEME-ChIP results in an easy-to-parse "tab-separated values" format. Each line gives values for one motif found by MEME-ChIP. The fields are:
A consensus sequence is constructed from each column in a motif's frequency matrix using the "50% rule" as follows.
This is a link to a file containing all the significant motifs found by MEME-ChIP. The motifs are in MEME text format, and their IDs correspond to the motif indices given in the "Summary in TSV Format" file. Note:The "nsites=" and "E=" fields in the motif headers are only relevant for the MEME and DREME motifs. For known motifs, those values do not refer to the number of sites in the input sequences.
This is a link to the motif in the output of the particular motif discovery (e.g., MEME) or motif enrichment (e.g., CentriMo) program that reported it.
This is the significance of the motif according to the particular motif discovery (e.g., MEME) or motif enrichment (e.g., CentriMo) program that reported it.
Follow the link under the "Discovery/Enrichment Program" column for more information on how the significance value was derived.
Motifs reported by a motif discovery program (e.g., MEME) are compared with known motifs in a motif database specified by the user. This column lists the (up to) three most similar motifs. Only known motifs with TOMTOM similarity E-values of less than 1.0 to the discovered motif will be shown here. Clicking any of these links will show the TOMTOM results where all alignments can be viewed.
Motifs reported by a motif enrichment program (e.g., CentriMo) list the motif's name and a link to the motif's entry on the database website if it is available.
This graph shows the distribution of the best matches to the motif in the sequences as found by a CentriMo analysis.
The vertical line in the center of the graph corresponds to the center of the sequences.
Clicking on a motif's graph will take you to the CentriMo output with that motif selected for graphing.
Clicking here will show you all the motifs found by motif discovery or motif enrichment analysis that are significantly similar to the reported motif.
The additional motifs are shown aligned with the reported motif, sorted in order of significance of the motif according to the particular motif discovery (e.g., MEME) or motif enrichment (e.g., CentriMo) program that reported it.
To cluster the motifs MEME ChIP does the following:
Clicking here takes you to the CentriMo motif enrichment analysis with the results for this all the motifs in this group.
This lists links to related content, which may include:
If you use MEME-ChIP in your research, please cite the following paper:
Philip Machanick and Timothy L. Bailey, "MEME-ChIP: motif analysis of large DNA datasets",
Bioinformatics, 2712, 1696-1697, 2011.
[full text]
The significant motifs (E-value ≤ 0.05) found by the programs MEME, DREME and CentriMo; clustered by similarity and ordered by E-value.
Motif Found | Discovery/Enrichment Program | E-value | Known or Similar Motifs | Distribution | SpaMo & FIMO |
MEME | 2.1e-050 | HOXD13 (M6302_1.02) HMGA1 (M6279_1.02) MEF2B (M5616_1.02) | Not Centrally Enriched |
Motif Found | Discovery/Enrichment Program | E-value | Known or Similar Motifs | Distribution | SpaMo & FIMO |
MEME | 4.9e-044 | MAZ (M6336_1.02) | Not Centrally Enriched |
Motif Found | Discovery/Enrichment Program | E-value | Known or Similar Motifs | Distribution | SpaMo & FIMO |
MEME | 3.8e-002 | Not Centrally Enriched |
Command | Running Time | Status | Outputs |
getsize /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/Repeat.AluYe5.fa 1> $metrics | 0.03s | Success | |
fasta-most -min 50 < /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/Repeat.AluYe5.fa 1> $metrics | 0.10s | Success | |
fasta-center -dna -len 100 < /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/Repeat.AluYe5.fa 1> /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/seqs-centered | 0.12s | Success | |
fasta-get-markov -nostatus -nosummary -dna -m 1 /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/Repeat.AluYe5.fa /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/background | 0.01s | Success | |
meme /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/seqs-centered -oc /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/meme_out -mod anr -nmotifs 10 -minw 5 -maxw 50 -bfile /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/background -dna -revcomp -nostatus | 6.92s | Success | |
centrimo -seqlen 307 -verbosity 1 -oc /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/centrimo_out -bfile /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/background /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/Repeat.AluYe5.fa /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/meme_out/meme.xml /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/MotifData/motif_databases/CIS-BP/ | 1.52s | Warnings | |
tomtom -verbosity 1 -oc /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/meme_tomtom_out -min-overlap 5 -dist pearson -evalue -thresh 1 -no-ssc -bfile /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/background /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/meme_out/meme.xml /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/MotifData/motif_databases/CIS-BP/ | 1m 13.68s | Warnings | |
tomtom -verbosity 1 -text -thresh 0.1 /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/ /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/ 1> /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/Repeat.AluYe5.MemeChipResults/motif_alignment.txt | 1.26s | Warnings |
Database | Source | Sequence Count |
Repeat.AluYe5 | /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/HumanGenome/Repeats/RepeatNames/collection/regions/Repeat.AluYe5.fa | 9 |
Database | Source | Motif Count |
Homo sapiens | /srv/scratch/shared/surya/imk1/TFBindingPredictionProject/MotifData/motif_databases/CIS-BP/ | 733 |