# WARNING: this file is not sorted! # db id alt consensus E-value adj_p-value log_adj_p-value bin_location bin_width total_width sites_in_bin total_sites p_success p-value mult_tests 1 KGCCASTAGRKGGCRS MEME-1 KGCCASTAGRKGGCRS 1.1e-399 1.5e-402 -925.22 0.0 55 485 525 598 0.11340 6.3e-405 242 1 TATTGCTCCAGAAATGCCAACYWRCCCTKCC MEME-3 TATTGCTCCAGAAATGCCAACYWRCCCTKCC 6.4e-011 8.7e-014 -30.07 0.0 44 470 15 15 0.09362 3.7e-016 234 2 AGRKGGC DREME-1 AGRKGGC 2.2e-140 3.0e-143 -328.16 0.0 46 494 253 424 0.09312 1.2e-145 246 2 AYCTAGTG DREME-2 AYCTAGTG 2.0e-077 2.8e-080 -183.19 0.0 39 493 105 143 0.07911 1.1e-082 246 2 ACAGCRCC DREME-4 ACAGCRCC 1.9e-032 2.6e-035 -79.64 0.0 39 493 100 288 0.07911 1.0e-037 246 3 M0178_1.02 (ASCL2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.98) NVCAGCTGBN 6.2e-005 8.4e-008 -16.29 0.0 73 491 143 580 0.14868 3.4e-010 245 3 M0189_1.02 (ID2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.98) RCACGTGR 1.6e-001 2.2e-004 -8.43 0.0 23 493 49 495 0.04665 8.9e-007 246 3 M0195_1.02 (TCF23)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.60) DMCAKMTGKH 3.1e-006 4.1e-009 -19.30 0.0 51 491 113 566 0.10387 1.7e-011 245 3 M0196_1.02 (NPAS2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NSCACGTGTN 2.9e0000 3.9e-003 -5.54 0.0 83 491 116 473 0.16904 1.6e-005 245 3 M0212_1.02 (TCFL5)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NBCDCGHGVN 2.1e-001 2.9e-004 -8.15 0.0 75 491 92 368 0.15275 1.2e-006 245 3 M0214_1.02 (TCF21)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) AACAKMTGK 7.8e-002 1.0e-004 -9.16 0.0 24 492 53 517 0.04878 4.3e-007 245 3 M0217_1.02 (NEUROG1)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) DCCATATGKB 3.6e-006 4.9e-009 -19.13 0.0 41 491 98 578 0.08350 2.0e-011 245 3 M0396_1.02 (OSR2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) WACRGTAGCN 6.2e-003 8.4e-006 -11.68 0.0 85 491 157 597 0.17312 3.4e-008 245 3 M0404_1.02 (ZNF202)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.87) NNNKGGGGSV 6.1e0000 8.2e-003 -4.80 0.0 127 491 196 588 0.25866 3.4e-005 245 3 M0413_1.02 (ZBTB1)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.99) NDTGCGKGDN 1.6e0000 2.1e-003 -6.17 0.0 157 491 215 523 0.31976 8.6e-006 245 3 M0422_1.02 (ZIC5)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.99) SYRGGGGGTM 3.0e-009 4.0e-012 -26.23 0.0 43 491 111 585 0.08758 1.7e-014 245 3 M0424_1.02 (SNAI3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.75) NNTGACAKNN 1.5e0000 2.0e-003 -6.21 0.0 79 491 137 594 0.16090 8.2e-006 245 3 M0431_1.02 (OSR1)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) MCRGTAGCN 7.4e-008 1.0e-010 -23.03 0.0 106 492 206 600 0.21545 4.1e-013 245 3 M0432_1.02 (ZFP161)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NNCGYGCHH 6.1e-005 8.2e-008 -16.31 0.0 94 492 126 389 0.19106 3.4e-010 245 3 M0442_1.02 (ZBTB3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NNTGCAGYG 1.3e-003 1.8e-006 -13.22 0.0 48 492 104 600 0.09756 7.4e-009 245 3 M0603_1.02 CGBP NNNBCGK 4.7e-005 6.4e-008 -16.57 0.0 152 494 201 448 0.30769 2.6e-010 246 3 M0608_1.02 MLL NNNRSCGNDN 5.2e-005 7.0e-008 -16.47 0.0 131 491 179 442 0.26680 2.9e-010 245 3 M0609_1.02 DNMT1 NNCCGMNNNN 7.6e-005 1.0e-007 -16.09 0.0 155 491 224 501 0.31568 4.2e-010 245 3 M1359_1.02 (MYPOP)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.97) NWTTGCGCCR 2.5e-018 3.4e-021 -47.12 0.0 59 491 141 488 0.12016 1.4e-023 245 3 M1418_1.02 C11orf9 TGGTACCA 3.8e-011 5.1e-014 -30.60 0.0 75 493 154 528 0.15213 2.1e-016 246 3 M1545_1.02 GMEB1 NNNRCGTNN 8.3e0000 1.1e-002 -4.49 0.0 90 492 117 451 0.18293 4.6e-005 245 3 M1581_1.02 (CIC)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NNTGCTGACW 1.7e-006 2.3e-009 -19.88 0.0 123 491 222 588 0.25051 9.4e-012 245 3 M1917_1.02 USF1 GGTCACRTGRB 3.4e-004 4.6e-007 -14.59 0.0 40 490 82 503 0.08163 1.9e-009 244 3 M1919_1.02 YY1 CAARATGGCBGC 2.0e-027 2.7e-030 -68.08 0.0 23 489 103 553 0.04703 1.1e-032 244 3 M1927_1.02 (MYCL1)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.66) RCCACGTG 5.0e-006 6.8e-009 -18.81 0.0 55 493 106 495 0.11156 2.7e-011 246 3 M1950_1.02 ZNF354C GTGGAK 7.7e0000 1.0e-002 -4.57 0.0 55 495 97 581 0.11111 4.2e-005 247 3 M2065_1.02 ESR2 RGGKCANBSTGACCT 6.8e-002 9.2e-005 -9.29 0.0 34 486 72 552 0.06996 3.8e-007 242 3 M2264_1.02 (ATOH1)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) RCCAKCTG 1.0e-036 1.4e-039 -89.49 0.0 51 493 178 575 0.10345 5.6e-042 246 3 M2299_1.02 (MYF5)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.90) NRNRRCAGCTGSN 4.4e-003 5.9e-006 -12.04 0.0 154 488 245 577 0.31557 2.4e-008 243 3 M2323_1.02 ZBTB33 SARVTCTCGCGAGAV 2.3e0000 3.2e-003 -5.76 0.0 138 486 128 325 0.28395 1.3e-005 242 3 M4344_1.02 (ARID2)_(Saccharomyces_cerevisiae)_(DBD_0.26) SGTTGCYA 1.0e-001 1.4e-004 -8.89 0.0 53 493 102 577 0.10751 5.6e-007 246 3 M4427_1.02 CTCF NYGGCCASCAGRKGGCRSYVB 3.6e-397 4.9e-400 -919.45 0.0 54 480 523 600 0.11250 2.0e-402 239 3 M4438_1.02 ESRRA RGGTCANKSTGACCY 2.7e-003 3.7e-006 -12.52 0.0 26 486 63 546 0.05350 1.5e-008 242 3 M4451_1.02 ATF3 GGTCACGTGRS 1.2e-001 1.6e-004 -8.74 0.0 52 490 78 418 0.10612 6.5e-007 244 3 M4462_1.02 GABPA VVCCGGAAGTG 3.5e-001 4.8e-004 -7.65 0.0 192 490 262 532 0.39184 2.0e-006 244 3 M4473_1.02 PBX3 NBCDGCCAATSRGVR 1.3e-001 1.8e-004 -8.61 0.0 80 486 140 574 0.16461 7.5e-007 242 3 M4479_1.02 TCF12 VSAGCAGSTGB 4.1e-015 5.5e-018 -39.74 0.0 48 490 133 581 0.09796 2.3e-020 244 3 M4481_1.02 USF2 GGTCACGTGRSSSSV 1.1e-007 1.5e-010 -22.64 0.0 34 486 72 405 0.06996 6.1e-013 242 3 M4522_1.02 ELK4 CCGGAAGYGS 1.0e-001 1.4e-004 -8.91 0.0 195 491 279 558 0.39715 5.5e-007 245 3 M4532_1.02 MYC CCACGTGSYY 4.3e-011 5.8e-014 -30.48 0.0 53 491 121 519 0.10794 2.4e-016 245 3 M4536_1.02 E2F1 VRRVRGVGCGCGCRS 5.8e-010 7.8e-013 -27.87 0.0 130 486 207 475 0.26749 3.2e-015 242 3 M4543_1.02 MXI1 VVVVCCACGTG 4.3e-005 5.8e-008 -16.67 0.0 58 490 108 494 0.11837 2.4e-010 244 3 M4553_1.02 BHLHE40 NGKCACGTGC 1.5e0000 2.0e-003 -6.20 0.0 47 491 78 497 0.09572 8.3e-006 245 3 M4612_1.02 CTCFL CCRSCAGGGGGCGCY 2.5e-315 3.4e-318 -731.01 0.0 44 486 441 594 0.09053 1.4e-320 242 3 M4640_1.02 ZBTB7A GGGSRRGGGKCBSNG 4.0e0000 5.4e-003 -5.23 0.0 114 486 167 534 0.23457 2.2e-005 242 3 M4850_1.02 (TCF15)_(Drosophila_melanogaster)_(DBD_0.70) TKTWRTNKBBDYDMCATSTGK 1.2e-005 1.6e-008 -17.94 0.0 74 480 149 573 0.15417 6.7e-011 239 3 M5116_1.02 (ATOH8)_(Drosophila_melanogaster)_(DBD_0.70) RCCACCTGK 1.5e-020 2.0e-023 -52.27 0.0 42 492 134 590 0.08537 8.1e-026 245 3 M5304_1.02 BHLHA15 ACCATATGKT 1.6e-001 2.2e-004 -8.43 0.0 51 491 68 359 0.10387 8.9e-007 245 3 M5325_1.02 CREB3L1 TGRTGACGTGGCAB 2.1e-003 2.8e-006 -12.79 0.0 57 487 79 353 0.11704 1.1e-008 243 3 M5430_1.02 FIGLA WMCACCTGKW 1.5e-002 2.1e-005 -10.79 0.0 43 491 92 595 0.08758 8.4e-008 245 3 M5506_1.02 HES7 YGGCACGTGCCR 2.1e0000 2.8e-003 -5.88 0.0 55 489 38 161 0.11247 1.1e-005 244 3 M5509_1.02 HEY1 GRCACGTGBC 3.7e-001 5.0e-004 -7.60 0.0 95 491 114 391 0.19348 2.0e-006 245 3 M5512_1.02 HIC2 VSYGGGCAY 5.9e-003 8.0e-006 -11.74 0.0 22 492 59 599 0.04472 3.3e-008 245 3 M5591_1.02 KLF13 CAAAAAGGGGCGTGKCAY 3.2e-003 4.3e-006 -12.35 0.0 25 483 38 266 0.05176 1.8e-008 241 3 M5621_1.02 MEIS3 SCTGTCAH 4.0e-001 5.4e-004 -7.52 0.0 79 493 139 594 0.16024 2.2e-006 246 3 M5634_1.02 MNT RVCACGTGMH 1.5e-003 2.1e-006 -13.08 0.0 83 491 131 480 0.16904 8.5e-009 245 3 M5652_1.02 NEUROD2 RMCATATGBY 4.7e-008 6.3e-011 -23.48 0.0 55 491 118 529 0.11202 2.6e-013 245 3 M5693_1.02 OLIG3 AMCATATGBY 1.9e-002 2.6e-005 -10.56 0.0 41 491 76 486 0.08350 1.1e-007 245 3 M5804_1.02 SCRT1 RWGCAACAGGTGKBH 2.1e0000 2.9e-003 -5.84 0.0 168 486 186 416 0.34568 1.2e-005 242 3 M5805_1.02 SCRT2 RWGCAACAGGTGB 4.1e-003 5.6e-006 -12.10 0.0 70 488 101 409 0.14344 2.3e-008 243 3 M5896_1.02 TBX4 AGGTGTGA 4.2e0000 5.7e-003 -5.17 0.0 29 493 61 595 0.05882 2.3e-005 246 3 M5932_1.02 TFEC VTCAYGTGAY 2.1e-013 2.9e-016 -35.79 0.0 25 491 83 541 0.05092 1.2e-018 245 3 M5955_1.02 YY2 WAATGGCGGWY 1.4e-018 1.8e-021 -47.75 0.0 20 490 80 524 0.04082 7.5e-024 244 3 M5965_1.02 ZIC4 DCDCMGCRGGGGGYC 8.8e-020 1.2e-022 -50.48 0.0 44 486 128 524 0.09053 4.9e-025 242 3 M6144_1.02 TFAP2B BCCCBCRGGC 2.8e-001 3.8e-004 -7.87 0.0 135 491 208 569 0.27495 1.6e-006 245 3 M6161_1.02 BHLHE41 WSVRKSYCACGTGMHGRRRV 4.4e-005 6.0e-008 -16.64 0.0 65 481 121 507 0.13514 2.5e-010 240 3 M6181_1.02 CREM CRVTGACGTCA 2.4e0000 3.2e-003 -5.74 0.0 12 490 30 509 0.02449 1.3e-005 244 3 M6185_1.02 CXXC1 CGKTGKY 1.8e-011 2.5e-014 -31.32 0.0 38 494 106 583 0.07692 1.0e-016 246 3 M6191_1.02 E2F2 GGCGCGAAAC 4.6e-003 6.2e-006 -11.99 0.0 151 491 181 414 0.30754 2.5e-008 245 3 M6192_1.02 E2F3 SSCGCSAAAC 1.9e-004 2.5e-007 -15.19 0.0 153 491 189 416 0.31161 1.0e-009 245 3 M6194_1.02 E2F5 SGCGCSAAAH 2.3e-005 3.1e-008 -17.29 0.0 169 491 188 372 0.34420 1.3e-010 245 3 M6201_1.02 EGR4 GGSGGYRGGGM 1.1e-001 1.5e-004 -8.80 0.0 110 490 162 508 0.22449 6.2e-007 244 3 M6204_1.02 ELF2 TDNCAGGAAGTRRVT 3.7e-002 5.1e-005 -9.89 0.0 270 486 368 556 0.55556 2.1e-007 242 3 M6210_1.02 ENO1 YDSMCACRTGSYB 5.3e-008 7.2e-011 -23.35 0.0 52 488 121 575 0.10656 3.0e-013 243 3 M6222_1.02 ETV4 SAGGAAGY 8.5e0000 1.1e-002 -4.47 0.0 187 493 275 600 0.37931 4.7e-005 246 3 M6259_1.02 GCM1 HWNATGCKGGYMBK 2.0e-008 2.7e-011 -24.34 0.0 57 487 129 567 0.11704 1.1e-013 243 3 M6267_1.02 GLIS3 GYGGGGGGTM 2.7e-003 3.7e-006 -12.52 0.0 23 491 59 567 0.04684 1.5e-008 245 3 M6270_1.02 NHLH1 RRGGMCGCAGCTGMKMCCCV 1.2e-009 1.7e-012 -27.12 0.0 129 481 176 390 0.26819 7.0e-015 240 3 M6271_1.02 HES1 KGKCKCGTGBCKB 1.2e-008 1.6e-011 -24.88 0.0 116 488 217 574 0.23770 6.4e-014 243 3 M6273_1.02 HEY2 GBBGGCWCGTGGCHTBV 1.2e-006 1.7e-009 -20.21 0.0 74 484 127 455 0.15289 6.9e-012 241 3 M6274_1.02 HIC1 GGGKTGCCC 6.7e-006 9.1e-009 -18.52 0.0 32 492 82 572 0.06504 3.7e-011 245 3 M6275_1.02 HIF1A SBSTACGTGCSB 1.1e-001 1.5e-004 -8.82 0.0 93 489 130 456 0.19018 6.1e-007 244 3 M6278_1.02 HLTF KANKGCTGSMAM 1.0e-002 1.3e-005 -11.21 0.0 99 489 176 598 0.20245 5.5e-008 244 3 M6321_1.02 KLF15 RSMKGGGAGDKGGGGSS 7.6e-001 1.0e-003 -6.89 0.0 122 484 180 530 0.25207 4.2e-006 241 3 M6322_1.02 KLF1 CAGGGTGKGGC 8.6e-001 1.2e-003 -6.76 0.0 2 490 12 559 0.00408 4.7e-006 244 3 M6325_1.02 KLF6 GGGGGCKG 2.1e0000 2.9e-003 -5.85 0.0 143 493 217 584 0.29006 1.2e-005 246 3 M6326_1.02 KLF8 CAGGGKGTG 5.4e-005 7.3e-008 -16.43 0.0 8 492 33 535 0.01626 3.0e-010 245 3 M6332_1.02 MAF KTGCTGAC 4.5e-002 6.1e-005 -9.70 0.0 129 493 212 594 0.26166 2.5e-007 246 3 M6345_1.02 MITF VKCACATGWY 1.7e-001 2.3e-004 -8.36 0.0 53 491 100 567 0.10794 9.6e-007 245 3 M6346_1.02 MLXIPL VCACGVSGKTGBCMCRTGC 2.8e-015 3.8e-018 -40.12 0.0 46 482 106 422 0.09544 1.6e-020 240 3 M6352_1.02 MYCN CCACGTGS 2.1e-007 2.8e-010 -21.99 0.0 63 493 121 496 0.12779 1.1e-012 246 3 M6353_1.02 MYF6 GCAGSTG 2.4e-004 3.2e-007 -14.95 0.0 68 494 131 568 0.13765 1.3e-009 246 3 M6354_1.02 MYOD1 RACAGSTGS 5.8e-001 7.9e-004 -7.15 0.0 74 492 130 590 0.15041 3.2e-006 245 3 M6355_1.02 MYOG YRACAGCTGCWGC 3.9e-019 5.3e-022 -48.99 0.0 52 488 147 566 0.10656 2.2e-024 243 3 M6358_1.02 NEUROD1 SGGCAGRTGKSC 2.8e-038 3.7e-041 -93.09 0.0 65 489 211 588 0.13292 1.5e-043 244 3 M6422_1.02 PLAGL1 CRGGGGGCCC 4.1e-002 5.6e-005 -9.79 0.0 15 491 41 538 0.03055 2.3e-007 245 3 M6446_1.02 RARG BTGACCTBYNGBYGAMCYCC 1.6e0000 2.2e-003 -6.14 0.0 15 481 39 569 0.03119 9.0e-006 240 3 M6468_1.02 SNAI1 SCAGGTGK 2.5e-022 3.3e-025 -56.37 0.0 65 493 179 588 0.13185 1.3e-027 246 3 M6469_1.02 SNAI2 BCAGGTG 3.3e-004 4.5e-007 -14.61 0.0 34 494 82 593 0.06883 1.8e-009 246 3 M6500_1.02 TAL1 GACCATCTGTTS 9.0e-027 1.2e-029 -66.58 0.0 51 489 146 493 0.10429 5.0e-032 244 3 M6505_1.02 TBX5 AGGTGTGA 4.2e-018 5.7e-021 -46.61 0.0 29 493 105 595 0.05882 2.3e-023 246 3 M6513_1.02 TFAP4 RYCAGCTGYGG 1.9e-008 2.5e-011 -24.40 0.0 138 490 227 524 0.28163 1.0e-013 244 3 M6514_1.02 TFCP2 SCCWGMNMDSRCCRGA 5.8e-001 7.8e-004 -7.16 0.0 123 485 196 579 0.25361 3.2e-006 242 3 M6515_1.02 TFDP1 AWWKRGCGGGAAAY 2.4e-003 3.3e-006 -12.63 0.0 243 487 282 447 0.49897 1.3e-008 243 3 M6516_1.02 TCF3 RRVCATCTGKT 3.5e-014 4.7e-017 -37.59 0.0 64 490 160 596 0.13061 1.9e-019 244 3 M6519_1.02 TGIF1 MWGSTGACACCTSMCA 3.7e-004 5.0e-007 -14.51 0.0 77 485 149 586 0.15876 2.1e-009 242 3 M6527_1.02 TWIST1 MCCCAGGTGK 1.2e-031 1.6e-034 -77.82 0.0 55 491 173 551 0.11202 6.5e-037 245 3 M6540_1.02 ZBTB4 CAATRGYGDTDGYGR 9.2e0000 1.2e-002 -4.39 0.0 108 486 145 483 0.22222 5.2e-005 242 3 M6550_1.02 ZIC3 BGGGTGGYC 2.3e-002 3.1e-005 -10.38 0.0 18 492 49 587 0.03659 1.3e-007 245 3 M6556_1.02 ZNF350 SGGCMMCAAABNHYTGCBBCCCST 8.9e0000 1.2e-002 -4.42 0.0 165 477 203 468 0.34591 5.1e-005 238 ## # Detailed descriptions of columns in this file: # # db: The name of the database (file name) that contains the motif. # id: A name for the motif that is unique in the motif database file. # alt: An alternate name of the motif that may be provided # in the motif database file. # consensus: A consensus sequence computed from the motif. # E-value: The expected number motifs that would have least one. # region as enriched for best matches to the motif as the reported region. # The E-value is the p-value multiplied by the number of motifs in the # input database(s). # adj_p-value: The probability that any tested region would be as enriched for # best matches to this motif as the reported region is. # By default the p-value is calculated by using the one-tailed binomial # test on the number of sequences with a match to the motif # that have their best match in the reported region, corrected for # the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match in a sequence # falls in the region is the region width divided by the # number of places a motif # can align in the sequence (sequence length minus motif width plus 1). # When CentriMo is run in discriminative mode with a negative # set of sequences, the p-value of a region is calculated # using the Fisher exact test on the # enrichment of best matches in the positive sequences relative # to the negative sequences, corrected # for the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match (if any) # falls into a given region # is the same for all positive and negative sequences. # log_adj_p-value: Log of adjusted p-value. # bin_location: Location of the center of the most enriched region. # bin_width: The width (in sequence positions) of the most enriched region. # A best match to the motif is counted as being in the region if the # center of the motif falls in the region. # total_width: The window maximal size which can be reached for this motif: # rounded(sequence length - motif length +1)/2 # sites_in_bin: The number of (positive) sequences whose best match to the motif # falls in the reported region. # Note: This number may be less than the number of # (positive) sequences that have a best match in the region. # The reason for this is that a sequence may have many matches that score # equally best. # If n matches have the best score in a sequence, 1/n is added to the # appropriate bin for each match. # total_sites: The number of sequences containing a match to the motif # above the score threshold. # p_success: The probability of falling in the enriched window: # bin width / total width # p-value: The uncorrected p-value before it gets adjusted to the # number of multiple tests to give the adjusted p-value. # mult_tests: This is the number of multiple tests (n) done for this motif. # It was used to correct the original p-value of a region for # multiple tests using the formula: # p' = 1 - (1-p)^n where p is the uncorrected p-value. # The number of multiple tests is the number of regions # considered times the number of score thresholds considered. # It depends on the motif length, sequence length, and the type of # optimizations being done (central enrichment, local enrichment, # score optimization).