# WARNING: this file is not sorted! # db id alt consensus E-value adj_p-value log_adj_p-value bin_location bin_width total_width sites_in_bin total_sites p_success p-value mult_tests 1 CMCACMCACCCACWCA MEME-1 CMCACMCACCCACWCA 9.0e-048 1.2e-050 -114.95 0.0 157 485 376 597 0.32371 4.9e-053 242 1 CACMCACHCACM MEME-2 CACMCACHCACM 7.0e-022 9.3e-025 -55.33 0.0 101 489 227 556 0.20654 3.8e-027 244 1 ACACACACWCACACAC MEME-3 ACACACACWCACACAC 1.5e-021 2.1e-024 -54.54 0.0 157 485 298 545 0.32371 8.5e-027 242 1 MCACCCACA MEME-4 MCACCCACA 2.2e-040 2.9e-043 -97.93 0.0 156 492 352 584 0.31707 1.2e-045 245 1 GATGRATGGATG MEME-5 GATGRATGGATG 9.0e0000 1.2e-002 -4.43 0.0 105 489 73 222 0.21472 4.9e-005 244 1 TGTGTRNRTGTG MEME-6 TGTGTRNRTGTG 2.3e-011 3.1e-014 -31.10 0.0 113 489 181 445 0.23108 1.3e-016 244 1 GRTGGATGGATG MEME-7 GRTGGATGGATG 8.0e-004 1.1e-006 -13.76 0.0 133 489 134 315 0.27198 4.3e-009 244 1 ACACMCYACACA MEME-9 ACACMCYACACA 1.1e0000 1.4e-003 -6.56 0.0 203 489 190 357 0.41513 5.8e-006 244 2 CDCCCACD DREME-1 CACCCACA 5.8e-054 7.8e-057 -129.19 0.0 155 493 343 518 0.31440 3.2e-059 246 2 CCKCCTMC DREME-2 CCKCCTCC 1.2e-005 1.6e-008 -17.94 0.0 95 493 79 202 0.19270 6.6e-011 246 2 ATCYACCC DREME-3 ATCCACCC 7.1e-001 9.5e-004 -6.96 0.0 281 493 76 96 0.56998 3.9e-006 246 2 CACCTAY DREME-4 CACCTAC 5.5e-004 7.3e-007 -14.13 0.0 84 494 60 166 0.17004 3.0e-009 246 2 GCCCACR DREME-5 GCCCACR 9.9e-016 1.3e-018 -41.17 0.0 226 494 189 252 0.45749 5.4e-021 246 3 M0405_1.02 (KLF7)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) DGGGCGKGGY 2.3e-012 3.0e-015 -33.43 0.0 139 491 267 598 0.28310 1.2e-017 245 3 M0443_1.02 (KLF12)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) DGGGCGKGKY 1.7e-017 2.3e-020 -45.22 0.0 137 491 280 598 0.27902 9.4e-023 245 3 M1871_1.02 (KLF2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.95) DGGGYGKGGC 8.1e-004 1.1e-006 -13.74 0.0 75 491 145 594 0.15275 4.4e-009 245 3 M1950_1.02 ZNF354C GTGGAK 1.1e-001 1.5e-004 -8.80 0.0 111 495 186 599 0.22424 6.1e-007 247 3 M2310_1.02 RUNX2 MAAACCACARAMMMM 3.7e-006 5.0e-009 -19.12 0.0 218 486 334 569 0.44856 2.1e-011 242 3 M2391_1.02 KLF5 DGGGHGGGGC 1.9e-001 2.6e-004 -8.27 0.0 227 491 335 599 0.46232 1.0e-006 245 3 M4459_1.02 EGR1 SBGCGKGGGCGGVGGSGSGS 2.6e-039 3.4e-042 -95.47 0.0 165 481 372 596 0.34304 1.4e-044 240 3 M5209_1.02 (SP5)_(Drosophila_melanogaster)_(DBD_0.93) GKGGGCGKRKC 1.6e-023 2.2e-026 -59.09 0.0 138 490 297 597 0.28163 8.9e-029 244 3 M5487_1.02 GCM2 BATGCGGGTR 1.9e-010 2.6e-013 -28.99 0.0 175 491 304 587 0.35642 1.0e-015 245 3 M5493_1.02 GMEB2 KTRCGTAA 2.1e0000 2.8e-003 -5.89 0.0 139 493 168 448 0.28195 1.1e-005 246 3 M5592_1.02 KLF14 ARGKGGGCGTGGYM 4.4e-007 5.8e-010 -21.26 0.0 139 487 240 569 0.28542 2.4e-012 243 3 M5593_1.02 KLF16 GGGGGCGTGKC 3.2e-016 4.2e-019 -42.31 0.0 158 490 303 593 0.32245 1.7e-021 244 3 M5628_1.02 MGA AGGTGTGA 3.6e-003 4.8e-006 -12.24 0.0 239 493 348 580 0.48479 2.0e-008 246 3 M5856_1.02 SP8 RGKGGGCGTGGY 4.2e-012 5.6e-015 -32.81 0.0 153 489 285 595 0.31288 2.3e-017 244 3 M5875_1.02 TBX1 AGGTGTGAAAAAAGGTGTGA 2.7e-001 3.6e-004 -7.93 0.0 87 481 95 330 0.18087 1.5e-006 240 3 M5883_1.02 TBX20 TCACACSTTCACACCT 1.2e-007 1.5e-010 -22.59 0.0 245 485 298 442 0.50515 6.4e-013 242 3 M5962_1.02 ZBTB7C NTCGGTGGTCGY 2.0e-006 2.6e-009 -19.76 0.0 193 489 316 594 0.39468 1.1e-011 244 3 M5977_1.02 ZNF740 GTGGGGGGGK 3.6e-007 4.8e-010 -21.45 0.0 207 491 335 594 0.42159 2.0e-012 245 3 M5981_1.02 ZSCAN4 TTTTCAGKGTGTGCA 2.4e-003 3.1e-006 -12.67 0.0 76 486 109 412 0.15638 1.3e-008 242 3 M6123_1.02 (ZNF281)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) GRGKTGGGGGAGGGG 1.1e-003 1.4e-006 -13.47 0.0 218 486 330 582 0.44856 5.9e-009 242 3 M6139_1.02 AHR KCACGCRAH 5.8e-004 7.7e-007 -14.07 0.0 124 492 207 571 0.25203 3.2e-009 245 3 M6150_1.02 ARNT2 GYSYSCCACGNC 1.1e-010 1.5e-013 -29.55 0.0 163 489 296 600 0.33333 6.0e-016 244 3 M6151_1.02 ARNT BYRCGTGC 3.8e0000 5.1e-003 -5.29 0.0 127 493 168 493 0.25761 2.1e-005 246 3 M6199_1.02 EGR2 DGVGTGGGCGG 7.5e-051 1.0e-053 -122.04 0.0 164 490 390 599 0.33469 4.1e-056 244 3 M6200_1.02 EGR3 WGAGTGGGYGT 1.2e-035 1.5e-038 -87.07 0.0 154 490 347 599 0.31429 6.3e-041 244 3 M6210_1.02 ENO1 YDSMCACRTGSYB 3.1e-001 4.1e-004 -7.79 0.0 176 488 267 587 0.36066 1.7e-006 243 3 M6212_1.02 EPAS1 CMCACGYAYDCAC 1.1e-031 1.4e-034 -77.92 0.0 146 488 327 594 0.29918 5.9e-037 243 3 M6264_1.02 GLI1 BTGGGTGGTCY 8.6e-004 1.1e-006 -13.68 0.0 252 490 368 581 0.51429 4.7e-009 244 3 M6265_1.02 GLI2 GTGGGTGGTCY 7.1e-006 9.5e-009 -18.47 0.0 228 490 324 534 0.46531 3.9e-011 244 3 M6266_1.02 GLI3 BTGGGTGGTCY 7.5e-010 1.0e-012 -27.63 0.0 132 490 244 582 0.26939 4.1e-015 244 3 M6267_1.02 GLIS3 GYGGGGGGTM 7.3e-006 9.8e-009 -18.45 0.0 253 491 385 593 0.51527 4.0e-011 245 3 M6275_1.02 HIF1A SBSTACGTGCSB 1.4e-008 1.9e-011 -24.69 0.0 123 489 214 538 0.25153 7.7e-014 244 3 M6321_1.02 KLF15 RSMKGGGAGDKGGGGSS 3.0e0000 4.1e-003 -5.51 0.0 224 484 324 591 0.46281 1.7e-005 241 3 M6322_1.02 KLF1 CAGGGTGKGGC 5.7e-002 7.6e-005 -9.48 0.0 212 490 318 595 0.43265 3.1e-007 244 3 M6323_1.02 KLF3 HRCYWGGGTGKGGCT 9.3e-008 1.2e-010 -22.81 0.0 220 486 348 579 0.45267 5.1e-013 242 3 M6324_1.02 KLF4 DGGGYGKGGC 1.6e-003 2.1e-006 -13.09 0.0 233 491 353 597 0.47454 8.4e-009 245 3 M6326_1.02 KLF8 CMGGGKGTG 1.0e-004 1.4e-007 -15.80 0.0 148 492 248 591 0.30081 5.6e-010 245 3 M6381_1.02 NR0B1 YSTCCCMCKC 1.3e0000 1.7e-003 -6.38 0.0 105 491 166 567 0.21385 6.9e-006 245 3 M6416_1.02 CBFB YYTGTGGTYDB 5.0e-002 6.7e-005 -9.61 0.0 220 490 325 587 0.44898 2.7e-007 244 3 M6442_1.02 PURA CCMBGCCCNCCMMYWCC 2.7e-010 3.6e-013 -28.65 0.0 120 484 237 600 0.24793 1.5e-015 241 3 M6456_1.02 RREB1 DKGKKKGKGGKTGKTTKGGGKT 1.0e-019 1.3e-022 -50.36 0.0 235 479 398 565 0.49061 5.6e-025 239 3 M6459_1.02 RUNX3 AACCRCAAAMCCCV 7.1e-004 9.4e-007 -13.88 0.0 245 487 337 537 0.50308 3.9e-009 243 3 M6505_1.02 TBX5 AGGTGTGA 2.1e0000 2.8e-003 -5.88 0.0 199 493 292 596 0.40365 1.1e-005 246 3 M6535_1.02 WT1 GMGGGGGCGKGGG 7.3e-033 9.7e-036 -80.62 0.0 158 488 348 599 0.32377 4.0e-038 243 3 M6539_1.02 ZBTB7B CGGVGRRGGGGMGSRGGSGGGH 8.8e-002 1.2e-004 -9.05 0.0 159 479 218 497 0.33194 4.9e-007 239 3 M6540_1.02 ZBTB4 CAATRGYGDTKGYGR 4.3e-002 5.7e-005 -9.76 0.0 208 486 294 548 0.42798 2.4e-007 242 3 M6549_1.02 ZIC2 KGGGTGGTC 5.1e0000 6.8e-003 -4.98 0.0 198 492 291 600 0.40244 2.8e-005 245 3 M6550_1.02 ZIC3 BGGGTGGYC 1.9e0000 2.5e-003 -5.99 0.0 194 492 286 595 0.39431 1.0e-005 245 3 M6552_1.02 ZNF148 KGVGKGGGGGAGGGG 1.3e-005 1.8e-008 -17.84 0.0 204 486 327 592 0.41975 7.4e-011 242 3 M6553_1.02 ZNF219 GDGGGGGGYGGA 1.8e-012 2.5e-015 -33.64 0.0 205 489 351 591 0.41922 1.0e-017 244 ## # Detailed descriptions of columns in this file: # # db: The name of the database (file name) that contains the motif. # id: A name for the motif that is unique in the motif database file. # alt: An alternate name of the motif that may be provided # in the motif database file. # consensus: A consensus sequence computed from the motif. # E-value: The expected number motifs that would have least one. # region as enriched for best matches to the motif as the reported region. # The E-value is the p-value multiplied by the number of motifs in the # input database(s). # adj_p-value: The probability that any tested region would be as enriched for # best matches to this motif as the reported region is. # By default the p-value is calculated by using the one-tailed binomial # test on the number of sequences with a match to the motif # that have their best match in the reported region, corrected for # the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match in a sequence # falls in the region is the region width divided by the # number of places a motif # can align in the sequence (sequence length minus motif width plus 1). # When CentriMo is run in discriminative mode with a negative # set of sequences, the p-value of a region is calculated # using the Fisher exact test on the # enrichment of best matches in the positive sequences relative # to the negative sequences, corrected # for the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match (if any) # falls into a given region # is the same for all positive and negative sequences. # log_adj_p-value: Log of adjusted p-value. # bin_location: Location of the center of the most enriched region. # bin_width: The width (in sequence positions) of the most enriched region. # A best match to the motif is counted as being in the region if the # center of the motif falls in the region. # total_width: The window maximal size which can be reached for this motif: # rounded(sequence length - motif length +1)/2 # sites_in_bin: The number of (positive) sequences whose best match to the motif # falls in the reported region. # Note: This number may be less than the number of # (positive) sequences that have a best match in the region. # The reason for this is that a sequence may have many matches that score # equally best. # If n matches have the best score in a sequence, 1/n is added to the # appropriate bin for each match. # total_sites: The number of sequences containing a match to the motif # above the score threshold. # p_success: The probability of falling in the enriched window: # bin width / total width # p-value: The uncorrected p-value before it gets adjusted to the # number of multiple tests to give the adjusted p-value. # mult_tests: This is the number of multiple tests (n) done for this motif. # It was used to correct the original p-value of a region for # multiple tests using the formula: # p' = 1 - (1-p)^n where p is the uncorrected p-value. # The number of multiple tests is the number of regions # considered times the number of score thresholds considered. # It depends on the motif length, sequence length, and the type of # optimizations being done (central enrichment, local enrichment, # score optimization).