# WARNING: this file is not sorted! # db id alt consensus E-value adj_p-value log_adj_p-value bin_location bin_width total_width sites_in_bin total_sites p_success p-value mult_tests 1 AGATGGAGTYRCTCWKGT MEME-1 AGATGGAGTYRCTCWKGT 1.1e-529 1.5e-532 -1224.60 0.0 109 483 1265 1543 0.22567 6.1e-535 241 1 GTCTCAGCCTYATTTTACCCAGCCCCTAT MEME-2 GTCTCAGCCTYATTTTACCCAGCCCCTAT 3.2e-181 4.1e-184 -422.26 0.0 154 472 524 580 0.32627 1.7e-186 235 1 TCAAAYGCCTCTGACA MEME-3 TCAAAYGCCTCTGACA 1.4e-185 1.8e-188 -432.28 0.0 83 485 529 844 0.17113 7.6e-191 242 2 ATGGAGTH DREME-1 ATGGAGTY 2.4e-405 3.1e-408 -938.33 0.0 105 493 1108 1506 0.21298 1.2e-410 246 2 AACCAGAG DREME-2 AACCAGAG 1.4e-128 1.8e-131 -301.03 0.0 89 493 371 574 0.18053 7.4e-134 246 2 CCTSTGAC DREME-3 CCTCTGAC 4.6e-071 5.9e-074 -168.61 0.0 91 493 364 758 0.18458 2.4e-076 246 2 CYGGGTAA DREME-4 CTGGGTAA 6.1e-098 7.9e-101 -230.50 0.0 117 493 354 515 0.23732 3.2e-103 246 2 AATRAGGC DREME-5 AATRAGGC 3.6e-090 4.6e-093 -212.61 0.0 151 493 417 572 0.30629 1.9e-095 246 2 CTTRAATA DREME-6 CTTGAATA 2.0e-098 2.5e-101 -231.63 0.0 103 493 356 564 0.20892 1.0e-103 246 2 AANATGG DREME-7 AAVATGG 2.5e-201 3.2e-204 -468.57 0.0 102 494 1459 3279 0.20648 1.3e-206 246 2 CMCAGKA DREME-8 CMCAGKA 1.9e-033 2.4e-036 -82.01 0.0 192 494 1225 2350 0.38866 9.8e-039 246 2 GGTYTCA DREME-9 GGTYTCA 1.2e-028 1.6e-031 -70.91 0.0 116 494 552 1466 0.23482 6.5e-034 246 2 CTTSCTTC DREME-10 CTTSCTTC 4.5e-024 5.8e-027 -60.42 0.0 71 493 194 595 0.14402 2.3e-029 246 2 AWTCCCAG DREME-11 AWTCCCAG 6.5e-012 8.3e-015 -32.42 0.0 183 493 518 1038 0.37120 3.4e-017 246 2 KATCTCTY DREME-12 KATCTCTY 3.6e-024 4.7e-027 -60.63 0.0 133 493 300 623 0.26978 1.9e-029 246 2 CATKCTAA DREME-14 CATKCTAA 2.7e-010 3.5e-013 -28.69 0.0 189 493 316 577 0.38337 1.4e-015 246 2 CACGTG DREME-15 CACGTG 1.2e-001 1.5e-004 -8.81 0.0 267 495 262 396 0.53939 6.0e-007 247 2 CWGATAA DREME-17 CWGATAA 1.5e-023 1.9e-026 -59.20 0.0 366 494 1353 1580 0.74089 7.9e-029 246 2 CAMAYG DREME-18 CAMATG 2.6e-003 3.3e-006 -12.61 0.0 81 495 663 3308 0.16364 1.3e-008 247 2 GACMTAA DREME-20 GACMTAA 6.8e-030 8.8e-033 -73.81 0.0 64 494 200 621 0.12955 3.6e-035 246 2 ATAATTTY DREME-21 ATAATTTT 3.3e-003 4.3e-006 -12.36 0.0 207 493 319 598 0.41988 1.7e-008 246 2 GCTGGGY DREME-23 GCTGGGY 2.0e-024 2.6e-027 -61.23 0.0 110 494 470 1304 0.22267 1.0e-029 246 2 CTGTACTA DREME-24 CTGTACTA 1.1e-009 1.5e-012 -27.24 0.0 157 493 78 116 0.31846 6.0e-015 246 2 TACAYAGA DREME-25 TACAYAGA 9.2e-006 1.2e-008 -18.26 0.0 85 493 92 274 0.17241 4.8e-011 246 2 CCYTGTTC DREME-29 CCYTGTTC 7.7e-013 1.0e-015 -34.54 0.0 137 493 175 353 0.27789 4.0e-018 246 2 AAKGCAG DREME-30 AAKGCAG 5.2e-017 6.6e-020 -44.16 0.0 190 494 847 1692 0.38462 2.7e-022 246 2 SACAGTGA DREME-32 SACAGTGA 4.6e-010 5.9e-013 -28.16 0.0 87 493 154 471 0.17647 2.4e-015 246 2 GTTGGGGS DREME-33 GTTGGGGS 1.4e-001 1.8e-004 -8.60 0.0 217 493 245 441 0.44016 7.5e-007 246 2 AGMTAAGG DREME-35 AGMTAAGG 6.1e-001 7.9e-004 -7.15 0.0 87 493 104 385 0.17647 3.2e-006 246 2 GAAAGAAR DREME-36 GAAAGAAR 8.8e0000 1.1e-002 -4.48 0.0 77 493 163 776 0.15619 4.6e-005 246 2 GCCATTDC DREME-40 GCCATTKC 8.5e0000 1.1e-002 -4.51 0.0 69 493 80 370 0.13996 4.5e-005 246 2 CYTTTCCC DREME-41 CYTTTCCC 1.9e0000 2.4e-003 -6.03 0.0 317 493 419 576 0.64300 9.8e-006 246 3 M0177_1.02 (TWIST2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NMCATATGTN 2.2e-001 2.8e-004 -8.17 0.0 307 491 3014 4573 0.62525 1.2e-006 245 3 M0195_1.02 (TCF23)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.60) DMCAKMTGKH 1.3e-003 1.7e-006 -13.30 0.0 123 491 1441 5042 0.25051 6.8e-009 245 3 M0217_1.02 (NEUROG1)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) DCCATATGKB 2.0e0000 2.5e-003 -5.97 0.0 183 491 2070 5155 0.37271 1.0e-005 245 3 M0300_1.02 (ATF2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NRTKACGTMA 1.1e-001 1.4e-004 -8.90 0.0 49 491 606 5001 0.09980 5.6e-007 245 3 M0424_1.02 (SNAI3)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.75) NNTGACAKNN 5.9e-012 7.6e-015 -32.51 0.0 51 491 742 5269 0.10387 3.1e-017 245 3 M0594_1.02 (LIN54)_(Gallus_gallus)_(DBD_0.98) DTTTRAATH 2.4e-012 3.1e-015 -33.39 0.0 72 492 921 4819 0.14634 1.3e-017 245 3 M0736_1.02 (FOXK2)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.90) RTAAACAA 9.7e-001 1.3e-003 -6.68 0.0 371 493 4075 5233 0.75254 5.1e-006 246 3 M1007_1.02 (HOXA11)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) TTWAYDDNN 3.6e-007 4.6e-010 -21.50 0.0 342 492 687 858 0.69512 1.9e-012 245 3 M1266_1.02 (IRF6)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NVNCGAWACY 1.5e-004 1.9e-007 -15.48 0.0 115 491 1404 5191 0.23422 7.7e-010 245 3 M1507_1.02 (LCOR)_(Meleagris_gallopavo)_(DBD_1.00) NDWTTNGGNN 6.5e-001 8.4e-004 -7.09 0.0 413 491 4434 5134 0.84114 3.4e-006 245 3 M1528_1.02 (RFX6)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_0.66) NCNTRGYWAC 4.2e-019 5.4e-022 -48.97 0.0 55 491 832 5245 0.11202 2.2e-024 245 3 M1529_1.02 (RFX7)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) VCNTRGYAAC 4.0e-011 5.1e-014 -30.60 0.0 55 491 781 5241 0.11202 2.1e-016 245 3 M1581_1.02 (CIC)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) NNTGCTGACW 2.5e0000 3.2e-003 -5.74 0.0 375 491 4114 5219 0.76375 1.3e-005 245 3 M1868_1.02 GATA2 DSAGATAAGAAHYH 3.8e-008 4.9e-011 -23.75 0.0 341 487 3763 5041 0.70021 2.0e-013 243 3 M1882_1.02 IRF1 AAANHGAAAGTGAAASYRRRN 2.3e-003 2.9e-006 -12.75 0.0 122 480 1383 4769 0.25417 1.2e-008 239 3 M1889_1.02 MAX RRGCACATGK 8.8e-002 1.1e-004 -9.09 0.0 297 491 3043 4758 0.60489 4.6e-007 245 3 M1919_1.02 YY1 CAARATGGCBGC 1.7e-117 2.1e-120 -275.55 0.0 105 489 1791 4959 0.21472 8.8e-123 244 3 M1955_1.02 STAT1 TTTCYRGGAAA 3.0e-005 3.9e-008 -17.07 0.0 294 490 3066 4758 0.60000 1.6e-010 244 3 M2270_1.02 DUX4 TAAYYYAATCA 2.6e-012 3.3e-015 -33.33 0.0 58 490 727 4513 0.11837 1.4e-017 244 3 M2289_1.02 JUN DDRATGATGTMAT 2.5e0000 3.2e-003 -5.74 0.0 66 488 708 4506 0.13525 1.3e-005 243 3 M2307_1.02 PRDM1 DRAAAGTGAAAGTRA 2.6e0000 3.4e-003 -5.69 0.0 152 486 1739 5112 0.31276 1.4e-005 242 3 M2388_1.02 SREBF2 RTGGGGTGAY 3.2e0000 4.1e-003 -5.50 0.0 53 491 604 4752 0.10794 1.7e-005 245 3 M4452_1.02 BATF TYYYRWWATGASTCA 2.5e0000 3.3e-003 -5.72 0.0 258 486 2796 4987 0.53086 1.4e-005 242 3 M4463_1.02 IRF4 DNWSNRGAAVTGAVWSWD 1.5e-002 1.9e-005 -10.85 0.0 141 483 1718 5284 0.29193 8.0e-008 241 3 M4471_1.02 PAX5 BCAGYSRAGCGTGAC 4.4e0000 5.6e-003 -5.18 0.0 130 486 1393 4737 0.26749 2.3e-005 242 3 M4478_1.02 STAT3 SHBVTSAYTTCYRGKAAATR 9.5e0000 1.2e-002 -4.40 0.0 297 481 2973 4608 0.61746 5.1e-005 240 3 M4569_1.02 HSF1 GTCSYGGGTTCGAWTCCC 1.6e-012 2.0e-015 -33.84 0.0 71 483 421 1911 0.14700 8.3e-018 241 3 M4600_1.02 GATA1 NSAGATAAGVV 3.2e-008 4.1e-011 -23.93 0.0 396 490 4361 5148 0.80816 1.7e-013 244 3 M4619_1.02 FOSL1 BGGTGASTCAT 9.8e-002 1.3e-004 -8.98 0.0 256 490 2397 4281 0.52245 5.2e-007 244 3 M4635_1.02 STAT2 GAAANYGAAACTDAA 3.5e-001 4.5e-004 -7.71 0.0 122 486 1358 4845 0.25103 1.9e-006 242 3 M4636_1.02 THAP1 YTGCCCDBANYMAAGATGGCG 1.5e-079 1.9e-082 -188.16 0.0 92 480 1014 2944 0.19167 8.1e-085 239 3 M4680_1.02 BACH1 GTCACGTG 4.2e0000 5.5e-003 -5.21 0.0 299 493 2978 4685 0.60649 2.2e-005 246 3 M4681_1.02 BACH2 TGCTGAGTCA 6.5e-001 8.3e-004 -7.09 0.0 251 491 2283 4181 0.51120 3.4e-006 245 3 M4692_1.02 SIX5 ACTACAAYTC 5.7e-023 7.3e-026 -57.88 0.0 85 491 996 4138 0.17312 3.0e-028 245 3 M5293_1.02 ATF7 NKATGACGTCATHN 1.7e-010 2.1e-013 -29.18 0.0 79 487 472 2048 0.16222 8.8e-016 243 3 M5304_1.02 BHLHA15 ACCATATGKT 2.3e0000 3.0e-003 -5.82 0.0 221 491 1558 3196 0.45010 1.2e-005 245 3 M5321_1.02 CLOCK AACACGTGTH 7.3e-003 9.4e-006 -11.57 0.0 301 491 2389 3641 0.61303 3.8e-008 245 3 M5323_1.02 CREB3 KGRTGACGTCAYNV 2.4e-004 3.1e-007 -14.98 0.0 83 487 480 2179 0.17043 1.3e-009 243 3 M5349_1.02 DUXA NTRAYYTAATCAN 3.6e-001 4.6e-004 -7.68 0.0 166 488 1716 4602 0.34016 1.9e-006 243 3 M5632_1.02 MLX RTCACGTGAT 1.5e0000 1.9e-003 -6.27 0.0 321 491 2138 3096 0.65377 7.7e-006 245 3 M5643_1.02 MYBL1 ACCGTTAAACBG 2.1e-006 2.7e-009 -19.75 0.0 299 489 2527 3805 0.61145 1.1e-011 244 3 M5652_1.02 NEUROD2 RMCATATGBY 6.7e-001 8.7e-004 -7.05 0.0 225 491 2218 4511 0.45825 3.5e-006 245 3 M5664_1.02 NFIX TTGGCANNNHGCCAR 2.3e-003 3.0e-006 -12.72 0.0 140 486 1341 4085 0.28807 1.2e-008 242 3 M5690_1.02 OLIG1 AMCATATGKT 8.2e-001 1.1e-003 -6.86 0.0 391 491 2714 3281 0.79633 4.3e-006 245 3 M5932_1.02 TFEC VTCAYGTGAY 6.8e0000 8.8e-003 -4.73 0.0 321 491 3314 4868 0.65377 3.6e-005 245 3 M5955_1.02 YY2 WAATGGCGGWY 8.7e-002 1.1e-004 -9.10 0.0 118 490 1300 4786 0.24082 4.6e-007 244 3 M5967_1.02 ZNF232 RTGTTAAAYGTAGATTAAG 4.6e-006 5.9e-009 -18.96 0.0 228 482 802 1432 0.47303 2.4e-011 240 3 M5979_1.02 ZNF75A TGTGGGAAAAGC 5.6e0000 7.2e-003 -4.93 0.0 409 489 3722 4334 0.83640 3.0e-005 244 3 M5998_1.02 (CREB5)_(Mus_musculus)_(DBD_1.00) DRTGACGTCATN 1.4e-018 1.8e-021 -47.76 0.0 61 489 529 2753 0.12474 7.4e-024 244 3 M6154_1.02 ATF5 TAAGGRAGARGK 1.6e-004 2.1e-007 -15.37 0.0 139 489 1677 5201 0.28425 8.6e-010 244 3 M6159_1.02 BCL6 TTCCWRGAAWGYHHWH 6.0e-007 7.7e-010 -20.98 0.0 257 485 2989 5176 0.52990 3.2e-012 242 3 M6162_1.02 ARNTL GRGTCACGTGTYCM 9.3e0000 1.2e-002 -4.43 0.0 43 487 303 2752 0.08830 5.0e-005 243 3 M6180_1.02 CREB1 RTGACGTMA 3.9e-010 5.0e-013 -28.33 0.0 46 492 623 4867 0.09350 2.0e-015 245 3 M6181_1.02 CREM CRVTGACGTCA 5.2e0000 6.7e-003 -5.01 0.0 74 490 803 4647 0.15102 2.7e-005 244 3 M6208_1.02 ELK3 VMCHGGAARTSC 1.2e0000 1.5e-003 -6.49 0.0 459 489 4531 4752 0.93865 6.3e-006 244 3 M6216_1.02 ESRRG TGACCTTGA 3.2e0000 4.1e-003 -5.49 0.0 340 492 3550 4943 0.69106 1.7e-005 245 3 M6224_1.02 ETV7 KCMHCAGGAAGTRACDY 7.7e-004 9.9e-007 -13.83 0.0 278 484 2488 4017 0.57438 4.1e-009 241 3 M6225_1.02 MECOM WAGAYAAGATAANAKW 1.4e-005 1.8e-008 -17.85 0.0 349 485 3352 4397 0.71959 7.3e-011 242 3 M6228_1.02 FOSB CTGACTCAYV 6.3e0000 8.1e-003 -4.82 0.0 231 491 2558 5133 0.47047 3.3e-005 245 3 M6256_1.02 GATA4 RSWGATAAV 8.5e-009 1.1e-011 -25.24 0.0 328 492 3741 5234 0.66667 4.5e-014 245 3 M6258_1.02 GATA6 NWGATAA 7.0e-009 9.0e-012 -25.43 0.0 326 494 3683 5198 0.65992 3.7e-014 246 3 M6301_1.02 HOXD10 AATTAAARCA 2.0e-003 2.6e-006 -12.87 0.0 69 491 868 5152 0.14053 1.0e-008 245 3 M6308_1.02 IRF2 SGAAAGYGAAASYV 6.1e-004 7.8e-007 -14.06 0.0 161 487 1802 4867 0.33060 3.2e-009 243 3 M6309_1.02 IRF3 GGAAAGBGAAASBRRRA 9.5e-002 1.2e-004 -9.01 0.0 144 484 1633 4953 0.29752 5.1e-007 241 3 M6313_1.02 IRF8 GRGRAAVTGAAASYR 1.8e-007 2.3e-010 -22.17 0.0 158 486 1942 5229 0.32510 9.7e-013 242 3 M6327_1.02 LEF1 CTTTGWW 3.5e0000 4.5e-003 -5.41 0.0 370 494 4082 5278 0.74899 1.8e-005 246 3 M6333_1.02 MAFG HATGACT 1.1e-002 1.5e-005 -11.13 0.0 36 494 483 5211 0.07287 5.9e-008 246 3 M6338_1.02 NR3C2 YACHWCAACCWGKHCTD 7.9e0000 1.0e-002 -4.59 0.0 358 484 3889 5092 0.73967 4.2e-005 241 3 M6343_1.02 MEIS1 CDTWAAVCTGTCA 7.9e-003 1.0e-005 -11.50 0.0 108 488 1190 4674 0.22131 4.2e-008 243 3 M6345_1.02 MITF VKCACATGWY 8.2e-001 1.1e-003 -6.85 0.0 313 491 3405 5103 0.63747 4.3e-006 245 3 M6349_1.02 MYBL2 WYAACHKSYA 4.5e-002 5.7e-005 -9.77 0.0 317 491 3594 5296 0.64562 2.3e-007 245 3 M6359_1.02 NFE2L1 NATGACD 6.6e-002 8.5e-005 -9.37 0.0 36 494 480 5253 0.07287 3.5e-007 246 3 M6360_1.02 NFE2L2 VRTGACTCAGCA 3.6e-001 4.7e-004 -7.67 0.0 255 489 2885 5212 0.52147 1.9e-006 244 3 M6382_1.02 NR1D1 WYTGACCTAYTTWT 2.0e-001 2.5e-004 -8.28 0.0 329 487 3116 4396 0.67556 1.0e-006 243 3 M6383_1.02 NR1H2 MGTTGACCTTTGACCTTTA 3.1e0000 4.0e-003 -5.51 0.0 386 482 564 653 0.80083 1.7e-005 240 3 M6406_1.02 PAX2 RHTCAGTSAYGMGTGAYW 7.5e-004 9.6e-007 -13.85 0.0 57 483 703 4820 0.11801 4.0e-009 241 3 M6453_1.02 RFX3 TYRCCATGGYAACV 7.7e-010 1.0e-012 -27.63 0.0 65 487 634 3521 0.13347 4.1e-015 243 3 M6454_1.02 RORA TGACCTAVWTWW 9.1e-006 1.2e-008 -18.27 0.0 299 489 2877 4366 0.61145 4.8e-011 244 3 M6455_1.02 RORC CTGACCYACWTWH 1.5e0000 1.9e-003 -6.28 0.0 330 488 2955 4177 0.67623 7.7e-006 243 3 M6457_1.02 RUNX1 WAACCACARW 5.9e0000 7.6e-003 -4.88 0.0 19 491 262 5255 0.03870 3.1e-005 245 3 M6464_1.02 SMAD2 GTGTCHGKCTV 1.6e0000 2.0e-003 -6.20 0.0 90 490 1075 5186 0.18367 8.3e-006 244 3 M6470_1.02 SOX10 BCWTTGT 7.8e0000 1.0e-002 -4.60 0.0 320 494 3556 5279 0.64777 4.1e-005 246 3 M6472_1.02 SOX15 CWTTGTT 4.3e-001 5.6e-004 -7.49 0.0 322 494 3597 5276 0.65182 2.3e-006 246 3 M6474_1.02 SOX18 GGAMRAVAACAAWKBDWDS 4.8e-001 6.2e-004 -7.39 0.0 124 482 1370 4780 0.25726 2.6e-006 240 3 M6491_1.02 STAT5A YTTCYVRGAAWT 2.6e-005 3.4e-008 -17.20 0.0 217 489 2411 4935 0.44376 1.4e-010 244 3 M6492_1.02 STAT5B DTTTCYDGGAATT 6.1e-003 7.8e-006 -11.76 0.0 218 488 2099 4302 0.44672 3.2e-008 243 3 M6496_1.02 STAT4 TTTCCMAGAAAAV 1.8e-002 2.3e-005 -10.68 0.0 432 488 4575 5038 0.88525 9.5e-008 243 3 M6497_1.02 STAT6 TTCYYHGGAAWYY 4.5e-005 5.8e-008 -16.67 0.0 206 488 2341 5026 0.42213 2.4e-010 243 3 M6499_1.02 RBPJ CGTGGGAAM 6.3e-008 8.1e-011 -23.24 0.0 166 492 2025 5262 0.33740 3.3e-013 245 3 M6500_1.02 TAL1 GACCATCTGTTS 8.9e-001 1.1e-003 -6.77 0.0 201 489 1810 4063 0.41104 4.7e-006 244 3 M6506_1.02 TCF7 VHSCTTTGWWST 1.1e-001 1.4e-004 -8.89 0.0 75 489 922 5172 0.15337 5.7e-007 244 3 M6507_1.02 TEAD1 YACATTCCWSMKSH 6.5e-001 8.3e-004 -7.09 0.0 215 487 2444 5171 0.44148 3.4e-006 243 3 M6545_1.02 HIVEP2 GGYDGGGWAACYSS 7.2e-003 9.3e-006 -11.59 0.0 53 487 689 5182 0.10883 3.8e-008 243 ## # Detailed descriptions of columns in this file: # # db: The name of the database (file name) that contains the motif. # id: A name for the motif that is unique in the motif database file. # alt: An alternate name of the motif that may be provided # in the motif database file. # consensus: A consensus sequence computed from the motif. # E-value: The expected number motifs that would have least one. # region as enriched for best matches to the motif as the reported region. # The E-value is the p-value multiplied by the number of motifs in the # input database(s). # adj_p-value: The probability that any tested region would be as enriched for # best matches to this motif as the reported region is. # By default the p-value is calculated by using the one-tailed binomial # test on the number of sequences with a match to the motif # that have their best match in the reported region, corrected for # the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match in a sequence # falls in the region is the region width divided by the # number of places a motif # can align in the sequence (sequence length minus motif width plus 1). # When CentriMo is run in discriminative mode with a negative # set of sequences, the p-value of a region is calculated # using the Fisher exact test on the # enrichment of best matches in the positive sequences relative # to the negative sequences, corrected # for the number of regions and score thresholds tested. # The test assumes that the probability that the best match (if any) # falls into a given region # is the same for all positive and negative sequences. # log_adj_p-value: Log of adjusted p-value. # bin_location: Location of the center of the most enriched region. # bin_width: The width (in sequence positions) of the most enriched region. # A best match to the motif is counted as being in the region if the # center of the motif falls in the region. # total_width: The window maximal size which can be reached for this motif: # rounded(sequence length - motif length +1)/2 # sites_in_bin: The number of (positive) sequences whose best match to the motif # falls in the reported region. # Note: This number may be less than the number of # (positive) sequences that have a best match in the region. # The reason for this is that a sequence may have many matches that score # equally best. # If n matches have the best score in a sequence, 1/n is added to the # appropriate bin for each match. # total_sites: The number of sequences containing a match to the motif # above the score threshold. # p_success: The probability of falling in the enriched window: # bin width / total width # p-value: The uncorrected p-value before it gets adjusted to the # number of multiple tests to give the adjusted p-value. # mult_tests: This is the number of multiple tests (n) done for this motif. # It was used to correct the original p-value of a region for # multiple tests using the formula: # p' = 1 - (1-p)^n where p is the uncorrected p-value. # The number of multiple tests is the number of regions # considered times the number of score thresholds considered. # It depends on the motif length, sequence length, and the type of # optimizations being done (central enrichment, local enrichment, # score optimization).