A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V misc
abs-method | Mathematical Functions |
abs.spam | Mathematical Functions |
acos-method | Mathematical Functions |
acos.spam | Mathematical Functions |
acosh-method | Mathematical Functions |
acosh.spam | Mathematical Functions |
adjacency | Administrative Districts of Germany |
adjacency.landkreis | Administrative Districts of Germany |
adjacency.spam | Administrative Districts of Germany |
all-method | Rounding of Numbers |
all.equal-method | Test if Two Sparse Matrices are (Nearly) Equal |
all.equal.spam | Test if Two Sparse Matrices are (Nearly) Equal |
all.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
any-method | Rounding of Numbers |
any.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
apply.spam | Apply Functions Over Sparse Matrix Margins |
Arith-method | Class "spam" |
as.dgCMatrix.spam | Transformation to Other Sparse Formats |
as.dgRMatrix.spam | Transformation to Other Sparse Formats |
as.matrix-method | Class "spam" |
as.matrix-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
as.matrix.spam | Class "spam" |
as.spam | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam-method | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
as.spam.chol.NgPeyton | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam.dgCMatrix | Transformation to Other Sparse Formats |
as.spam.dgRMatrix | Transformation to Other Sparse Formats |
as.spam.dist | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam.list | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam.matrix | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam.matrix.csr | Transformation to Other Sparse Formats |
as.spam.numeric | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.spam.spam | Sparse Matrix Class |
as.vector | Coercion to a Vector |
as.vector-method | Coercion to a Vector |
as.vector.spam | Coercion to a Vector |
asin-method | Mathematical Functions |
asin.spam | Mathematical Functions |
asinh-method | Mathematical Functions |
asinh.spam | Mathematical Functions |
assign.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
atan-method | Mathematical Functions |
atan.spam | Mathematical Functions |
atanh-method | Mathematical Functions |
atanh.spam | Mathematical Functions |
backsolve | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
backsolve-method | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
backsolve-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
backsolve-methods | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
backsolve.spam | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
bandwidth | Bandwidth of a Sparse Matrix |
bdiag | Binds Arrays Corner-to-Corner |
bdiag.spam | Binds Arrays Corner-to-Corner |
c-method | Class "spam" |
c-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
cbind | Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns |
cbind-method | Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns |
cbind.spam | Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns |
ceiling-method | Mathematical Functions |
ceiling.spam | Mathematical Functions |
chol | Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices |
chol-method | Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices |
chol-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
chol.spam | Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices |
chol2inv | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
chol2inv-method | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
chol2inv.spam | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
circulant.spam | Create Circulant Matrices |
cleanup | Cleaning up sparse matrices |
coerce-method | Force a 'spam' Object to Belong to a Class |
coerce.spam | Force a 'spam' Object to Belong to a Class |
colindices | Slot Modification |
colindices<- | Slot Modification |
colMeans | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
colMeans-method | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
colMeans.spam | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
colSums | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
colSums-method | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
colSums.spam | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
Compare-method | Class "spam" |
complexities | Complexity for Sparse Matrices |
complexity | Complexity for Sparse Matrices |
constructors | Slot Modification |
cor.sph | Covariance Functions |
cos-method | Mathematical Functions |
cos.spam | Mathematical Functions |
cosh-method | Mathematical Functions |
cosh.spam | Mathematical Functions |
cov.exp | Covariance Functions |
cov.finnmat | Covariance Functions |
cov.mat | Covariance Functions |
cov.mat12 | Covariance Functions |
cov.mat32 | Covariance Functions |
cov.mat52 | Covariance Functions |
cov.nug | Covariance Functions |
cov.sph | Covariance Functions |
cov.wend1 | Covariance Functions |
cov.wend2 | Covariance Functions |
cov.wu1 | Covariance Functions |
cov.wu2 | Covariance Functions |
cov.wu3 | Covariance Functions |
covmat | Covariance Functions |
crossprod-method | Spam Matrix Crossproduct |
crossprod.default | Spam Matrix Crossproduct |
crossprod.spam | Spam Matrix Crossproduct |
cummax-method | Mathematical Functions |
cummax.spam | Mathematical Functions |
cummin-method | Mathematical Functions |
cummin.spam | Mathematical Functions |
cumprod-method | Mathematical Functions |
cumprod.spam | Mathematical Functions |
cumsum-method | Mathematical Functions |
cumsum.spam | Mathematical Functions |
det | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
det-method | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
det.spam | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
determinant | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
determinant-method | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
determinant-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
determinant.spam | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
determinant.spam.chol | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
determinant.spam.chol.NgPeyton | Determinant of a Symmetric Positive Definite Sparse Matrix |
diag | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag-method | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
diag.assign-method | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag.of.spam | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag.spam | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag.spam<- | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag<- | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag<--method | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diag<--method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
diag<-.spam | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
diff | Lagged Differences |
diff-method | Lagged Differences |
diff.spam | Lagged Differences |
digamma-method | Mathematical Functions |
digamma.spam | Mathematical Functions |
dim-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
dim-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
dim.spam | Dimensions of an Object |
dim<--method | Dimensions of an Object |
dim<--method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
dim<-.spam | Dimensions of an Object |
dimension<- | Slot Modification |
display | Graphially Represent the Nonzero Entries |
display-method | Graphially Represent the Nonzero Entries |
display-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
display.spam | Graphially Represent the Nonzero Entries |
dist.spam | Distance Matrix Computation |
distance | Distance Matrix Computation |
eigen.spam | Eigenvalues for Sparse Matrices |
eigen_approx | Eigenvalues for Sparse Matrices |
entries | Slot Modification |
entries<- | Slot Modification |
exp-method | Mathematical Functions |
exp.spam | Mathematical Functions |
floor-method | Mathematical Functions |
floor.spam | Mathematical Functions |
foreign | Transformation to Other Sparse Formats |
forwardsolve | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
forwardsolve-method | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
forwardsolve-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
forwardsolve-methods | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
forwardsolve.spam | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
gamma-method | Mathematical Functions |
gamma.spam | Mathematical Functions |
germany | Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany |
germany.data | Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany |
germany.graph | Administrative Districts of Germany |
germany.info | Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany |
germany.plot | Plot Administrative Districts of Germany |
germany.poly | Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany |
germany.spam | Meta-data About Administrative Districts of Germany |
getOption.spam | Options Settings |
gmult | Generalized Multiplication |
grid_trace2 | Two trace plots and a scatter plot. |
grid_zoom | grid_zoom |
head-method | Return the First or Last Part of an Object |
head.spam | Return the First or Last Part of an Object |
image | Display a Sparse Matrix as Color Image |
image-method | Display a Sparse Matrix as Color Image |
image-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
image.spam | Display a Sparse Matrix as Color Image |
image.spam.chol | Display a Sparse Matrix as Color Image |
import | Read External Matrix Formats |
initialize-method | Sparse Matrix Class |
is.spam | Sparse Matrix Class |
isSymmetric-method | Test if a Sparse Matrix is Symmetric |
isSymmetric.spam | Test if a Sparse Matrix is Symmetric |
kronecker-method | Kronecker Products on Sparse Matrices |
kronecker.default | Kronecker Products on Sparse Matrices |
kronecker.spam | Kronecker Products on Sparse Matrices |
large matries | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
large matrix | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
large_matries | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
large_matrix | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
length-method | Class "spam" |
length-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
length<--method | Class "spam" |
length<--method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
lgamma-method | Mathematical Functions |
lgamma.spam | Mathematical Functions |
log-method | Mathematical Functions |
log.spam | Mathematical Functions |
log10-method | Mathematical Functions |
log10.spam | Mathematical Functions |
log2-method | Mathematical Functions |
log2.spam | Mathematical Functions |
long vector | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
long vectors | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
lower.tri | Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Sparse Matrix |
lower.tri-method | Class "spam" |
lower.tri.spam | Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Sparse Matrix |
map.landkreis | Administrative districts of Germany |
Math | Mathematical Functions |
Math-method | Mathematical Functions |
Math.spam | Mathematical Functions |
Math2 | Rounding of Numbers |
Math2-method | Rounding of Numbers |
Math2.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
max-method | Rounding of Numbers |
max.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
min-method | Rounding of Numbers |
min.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
mle | Maximum likelihood estimates |
mle.nomean | Maximum likelihood estimates |
mle.nomean.spam | Maximum likelihood estimates |
mle.spam | Maximum likelihood estimates |
ncol-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
nearest.dist | Distance Matrix Computation |
neg2loglikelihood | Maximum likelihood estimates |
neg2loglikelihood.nomean | Maximum likelihood estimates |
neg2loglikelihood.spam | Maximum likelihood estimates |
norm | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
norm-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
norm.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
nrow-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
Ops.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
options.spam | Options Settings |
Oral | Oral Cavity Cancer |
Oral.spam | Oral Cavity Cancer |
oral.spam | Oral Cavity Cancer |
ordering | Extract the permutation |
ordering-method | Extract the permutation |
ordering-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
ordering-methods | Extract the permutation |
ordering.spam | Extract the permutation |
ordering.spam.chol | Extract the permutation |
ordering.spam.chol.NgPeyton | Extract the permutation |
overview | SPArse Matrix Package |
pad | Padding a Sparse Matrix |
pad.spam | Padding a Sparse Matrix |
pad<- | Padding a Sparse Matrix |
pad<--method | Padding a Sparse Matrix |
pad<-.spam | Padding a Sparse Matrix |
permutation | Permute a Matrix |
permutation-method | Permute a Matrix |
permutation.spam | Permute a Matrix |
plot-method | Class "spam" |
plot.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
powerboost | Specific Options Setting |
precmat | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
precmat.GMRFreglat | Create Precision Matrices |
precmat.IGMRFirreglat | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
precmat.IGMRFreglat | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
precmat.RW1 | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
precmat.RW2 | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
precmat.RWn | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
precmat.season | IGMRF Precision Matrices |
Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices | |
print-method | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
print-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
print.spam | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
print.spam.chol | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
print.spam.chol.NgPeyton | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
print_nnzpos | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
prod-method | Rounding of Numbers |
prod.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
range-method | Rounding of Numbers |
range.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
rbind | Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns |
rbind-method | Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns |
rbind.spam | Combine Sparse Matrices by Rows or Columns |
rdist.dist | Wrapper for Distance Matrix Computation |
read.HB | Read External Matrix Formats |
read.MM | Read External Matrix Formats |
rgrf | Draw From a Gaussian Random Field |
rgrf.spam | Draw From a Gaussian Random Field |
rmvnorm | Draw Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.canonical | Draw Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.canonical.const | Draw Constrainted Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.cond | Draw Conditional Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.conditional | Draw Conditional Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.conditional.spam | Draw Conditional Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.const | Draw Constrainted Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.prec | Draw Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.prec.const | Draw Constrainted Multivariate Normals |
rmvnorm.spam | Draw Multivariate Normals |
rmvt | Draw From a Multivariate t-Distribution |
rmvt.spam | Draw From a Multivariate t-Distribution |
round-method | Rounding of Numbers |
round.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
rowMeans | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
rowMeans-method | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
rowMeans.spam | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
rowpointers | Slot Modification |
rowpointers<- | Slot Modification |
rowSums | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
rowSums-method | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
rowSums.spam | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
show-method | Class "spam" |
show-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
signif-method | Rounding of Numbers |
signif.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
sin-method | Mathematical Functions |
sin.spam | Mathematical Functions |
solve | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
solve-method | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
solve.spam | Linear Equation Solving for Sparse Matrices |
SPAM | SPArse Matrix Package |
Spam | SPArse Matrix Package |
spam | Sparse Matrix Class |
spam-class | Class "spam" |
spam-defunct | Defunct Objects in Package 'spam' |
spam-method | Sparse Matrix Class |
spam.chol.NgPeyton-class | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
spam.class | Class "spam" |
spam.creation | Sparse Matrix Class |
spam.list | Sparse Matrix Class |
spam.numeric | Sparse Matrix Class |
spam.ops | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
spam.options | Options Settings |
spam.Version | Spam Version Information |
spam.version | Spam Version Information |
spam64 | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
spam_diag | Sparse Matrix diagonals |
spam_random | Create Random Sparse Matrices |
spam_rdist | Wrapper for Distance Matrix Computation |
spam_rdist.earth | Wrapper for Distance Matrix Computation |
sqrt-method | Mathematical Functions |
sqrt.spam | Mathematical Functions |
subset.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
sum-method | Rounding of Numbers |
sum.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
Summary | Rounding of Numbers |
Summary-method | Rounding of Numbers |
summary-method | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
summary-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
Summary.spam | Rounding of Numbers |
summary.spam | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
summary.spam.chol | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
summary.spam.chol.NgPeyton | Printing and Summarizing Sparse Matrices |
t-method | Class "spam" |
t-method | Class "spam.chol.NgPeyton" |
t.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
tail-method | Return the First or Last Part of an Object |
tail.spam | Return the First or Last Part of an Object |
tan-method | Mathematical Functions |
tan.spam | Mathematical Functions |
tcrossprod-method | Spam Matrix Crossproduct |
tcrossprod.spam | Spam Matrix Crossproduct |
toeplitz.spam | Create Toeplitz Matrices |
trigamma-method | Mathematical Functions |
trigamma.spam | Mathematical Functions |
triplet | Transform a "spam" Format to Triplets |
trunc-method | Mathematical Functions |
trunc.spam | Mathematical Functions |
update-method | Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices |
update.spam | Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices |
update.spam.chol.NgPeyton | Cholesky Factorization for Sparse Matrices |
upper.tri | Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Sparse Matrix |
upper.tri-method | Class "spam" |
upper.tri.spam | Lower and Upper Triangular Part of a Sparse Matrix |
UScounties | Adjacency Structure of the Counties in the Contiguous United States |
UScounties.ndorder | Adjacency Structure of the Counties in the Contiguous United States |
UScounties.storder | Adjacency Structure of the Counties in the Contiguous United States |
USprecip | Monthly Total Precipitation (mm) for April 1948 in the Contiguous United States |
validate_spam | Validate a Sparse Matrix |
validspamobject | Defunct Objects in Package 'spam' |
var.spam | Wappers for Sparse Matrices |
version | Spam Version Information |
!-method | Class "spam" |
!=-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%%-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%*%-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%*%-methods | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%/%-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%d*% | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%d*%-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%d+% | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
%d+%-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
&-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
*-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
+-method | Class "spam" |
+-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
--method | Class "spam" |
--method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
. SPAM . | SPArse Matrix Package |
/-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
64bit | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
64bits | Large 64-bit matrices require the R package 'spam64' |
<-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
<=-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
==-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
>-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
>=-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
[-method | Class "spam" |
[.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
[<--method | Class "spam" |
[<--method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
[<-.spam | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
^-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |
|-method | Basic Linear Algebra for Sparse Matrices |