Aggregate tracks for H9 ATAC-seq, Hues6 ATAC-seq, Hues6 H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K4me3:


Bedgraphs of corrected TPM (new RSEM, re-aligned) and CPM (from ATAC-seq)
DeepLIFT scores for model with pre-initialized PWM filters in first (frozen) convolution layer RNA-seq, Chip-seq, ATAC-seq, ChromHMM annotation combined New data windowing approach Chipseq Combined DMSO tracks Batch 3 : H9 cells for control HD, treated HD, control LD, treated LD Batch 2 : H9 cells at earlyG1, lateG1, SG2M at low and high cell density Batch 1 with abs(deepLIFT) >= 0.01