TF-MoDISco results

Summary of motifs

TOMTOM matches to motifs

Sample of seqlets for each motif

Define constants and paths

Helper functions

Import SHAP scores, profile predictions, and TF-MoDISco results

Plot some SHAP score tracks

Plot the central region of some randomly selected actual importance scores

Plot TF-MoDISco results

Plot all motifs by metacluster

Summary of motifs

Motifs are trimmed based on information content, and presented in descending order by number of supporting seqlets. The motifs are separated by metacluster. The motifs are presented as hCWMs. The forward orientation is defined as the orientation that is richer in purines.

Top TOMTOM matches for each motif

Here, the TF-MoDISco motifs are plotted as hCWMs, but the TOMTOM matches are shown as PWMs.

Sample of seqlets supporting each motif

Here, the motifs are presented as hCWMs, along with the actual importance scores of a random sample of seqlets that support the motif.