import os
import h5py
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tqdm
mt_fold_path = "/users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/model_stats/multitask_profile_finetune_stats.tsv"
st_fold_path = "/users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/model_stats/singletask_profile_finetune_stats.tsv"
pred_perf_base_path = "/users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/peak_predictions/"
input_length = 2114
# Chromosome split definition (i.e. test set chromosomes)
chrom_splits_json = "/users/amtseng/tfmodisco/data/processed/ENCODE/chrom_splits.json"
with open(chrom_splits_json, "r") as f:
chrom_splits = json.load(f)
all_fold_test_chroms = {
fold : chrom_splits[str(fold)]["test"] for fold in range(1, 11)
with open(mt_fold_path, "r") as f:
tf_names = []
mt_best_folds = {} # {tf_name : fold}
for line in f:
tokens = line.split("\t")
if tokens[0] not in tf_names:
mt_best_folds[tokens[0]] = int(tokens[2])
with open(st_fold_path, "r") as f:
st_best_folds = {} # {tf_name : [fold for each task]}
for line in f:
tokens = line.split("\t")
if tokens[0] not in st_best_folds:
st_best_folds[tokens[0]] = []
num_tasks = {tf_name : len(st_best_folds[tf_name]) for tf_name in tf_names}
# Import peaks
task_coords = {} # {tf_name : [peak table for each task]}
for tf_name in tf_names:
files_spec_json = "/users/amtseng/tfmodisco/data/processed/ENCODE/config/{0}/{0}_training_paths.json".format(tf_name)
with open(files_spec_json, "r") as f:
files_spec = json.load(f)
assert len(files_spec["peak_beds"]) == num_tasks[tf_name]
task_coords[tf_name] = []
for peak_bed_path in files_spec["peak_beds"]:
table = pd.read_csv(
peak_bed_path, sep="\t", header=None, # Infer compression
"chrom", "peak_start", "peak_end", "name", "score",
"strand", "signal", "pval", "qval", "summit_offset"
# Add summit location column:
table["summit"] = table["peak_start"] + table["summit_offset"]
# Add start and end columns, at proper length
table["start"] = table["summit"] - (input_length // 2)
table["end"] = table["start"] + input_length
task_coords[tf_name].append(table[["chrom", "start", "end"]])
def subset_coord_inds(superset_coords, subset_coords):
Both `superset_coords` and `subset_coords` are Pandas DataFrames of
coordinates. This will return the indices within `superset_coords`
(indices being the 0-indexed row numbers) that correspond to the
coordinates in `subset_coords`. Returns a sorted NumPy array of indices.
Note that if there are duplicates in either set of coordinates, they
will be dropped (i.e. the returned indices will be unique).
inds = superset_coords.reset_index().drop_duplicates(["chrom", "start", "end"]).merge(
subset_coords.reset_index(), on=["chrom", "start", "end"]
return np.unique(inds)
def filter_coords_by_chroms(coords, chroms):
Given a Pandas DataFrame of coordinates (column names "chrom", "start",
and "end"), filters for the chromosomes in `chroms`
return coords[coords["chrom"].isin(chroms)]
def extract_counts(pred_perf_path, coord_sets=None, task_inds=None):
Extracts the set of all true and predicted log counts from a saved
predictions/performance HDF5 file. Returns N x T x 2 arrays for the
true and predicted log counts, respectively. `N` is all peaks in the
file. If specified, filters for coordinates that are in `coord_sets`.
`coord_sets` is a list of coordinate DataFrames, and a set of counts will
be fetched for each table of coordinates provided. Otherwise, will simply
return all coordinates available. If `task_inds` is specified, it must be
a list of indices parallel to `coord_sets`. For each coordinate set, the
counts extracted will be for that task index only. If unspecified, all
tasks are retained for each coordinate set.
result = {}
reader = h5py.File(pred_perf_path, "r")
coord_reader = reader["coords"]
pred_reader = reader["predictions"]
perf_reader = reader["performance"]
# First, get the set of indices within the HDF5 predictions/performance that
# correspond to the given coordinate sets
if coord_sets is None:
subset_inds = [np.arange(perf_reader["nll"].shape[0])] # The entire vector
# Import the DataFrame of coordinates in this HDF5
pred_perf_coords = pd.DataFrame(
"chrom": coord_reader["coords_chrom"][:].astype(str),
"start": coord_reader["coords_start"][:],
"end": coord_reader["coords_end"][:]
subset_inds = [
subset_coord_inds(pred_perf_coords, coord_set)
for coord_set in coord_sets
# If we didn't specify a task index for each coordinate set, just use
# all tasks; either way, let's get each set of task indices into a
# NumPy array form
if task_inds is None:
task_inds = [np.arange(perf_reader["nll"].shape[1]) for _ in range(len(subset_inds))]
task_inds = [np.array([i]) for i in task_inds]
# Extract the count values
log_true_counts, log_pred_counts = [], []
if coord_sets is None:
log_true_counts.append(np.ravel(np.log(pred_reader["true_counts"][:] + 1)))
for i in range(len(subset_inds)):
subset = subset_inds[i]
tasks = task_inds[i]
log_true_counts.append(np.ravel(np.log(pred_reader["true_counts"][subset][:, tasks] + 1)))
log_pred_counts.append(np.ravel(pred_reader["log_pred_counts"][subset][:, tasks]))
log_true_counts = np.concatenate(log_true_counts)
log_pred_counts = np.concatenate(log_pred_counts)
return log_true_counts, log_pred_counts
mt_all_fold_count_corrs = {} # {tf_name : {fold: [(pears, spear) for each task]}
st_all_fold_count_corrs = {} # {tf_name : {fold: [(pears, spear) for each task]}
mt_best_fold_count_corrs = {} # {tf_name : [(pears, spear) for each task, on the best fold]}
st_best_fold_count_corrs = {} # {tf_name : [(pears, spear) for each task, on each best fold]}
for tf_name in tf_names:
mt_all_fold_count_corrs[tf_name] = {}
st_all_fold_count_corrs[tf_name] = {}
for fold in range(1, 11):
print("Extracting:", tf_name, fold)
# Multi-task all folds
pred_perf_path = os.path.join(
"%s_multitask_profile_fold%d" % (tf_name, fold),
"%s_multitask_profile_fold%d_pred_perf.h5" % (tf_name, fold)
corrs = []
for task_index in tqdm.notebook.trange(num_tasks[tf_name]):
log_true_counts, log_pred_counts = extract_counts(
[filter_coords_by_chroms(task_coords[tf_name][task_index], all_fold_test_chroms[fold])],
scipy.stats.pearsonr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
scipy.stats.spearmanr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
mt_all_fold_count_corrs[tf_name][fold] = corrs
# Single-task all folds
corrs = []
for task_index in tqdm.notebook.trange(num_tasks[tf_name]):
pred_perf_path = os.path.join(
"%s_singletask_profile_fold%d" % (tf_name, fold),
"task_%d" % task_index,
"%s_singletask_profile_task%d_fold%d_pred_perf.h5" % (tf_name, task_index, fold)
log_true_counts, log_pred_counts = extract_counts(
[filter_coords_by_chroms(task_coords[tf_name][task_index], all_fold_test_chroms[fold])]
scipy.stats.pearsonr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
scipy.stats.spearmanr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
st_all_fold_count_corrs[tf_name][fold] = corrs
print("Extracting:", tf_name, "FT")
# Multi-task fine-tune
fold = mt_best_folds[tf_name]
pred_perf_path = os.path.join(
"%s_multitask_profile_finetune_fold%d" % (tf_name, fold),
"%s_multitask_profile_finetune_fold%d_pred_perf.h5" % (tf_name, fold)
corrs = []
for task_index in tqdm.notebook.trange(num_tasks[tf_name]):
log_true_counts, log_pred_counts = extract_counts(
[filter_coords_by_chroms(task_coords[tf_name][task_index], all_fold_test_chroms[fold])],
scipy.stats.pearsonr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
scipy.stats.spearmanr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
mt_best_fold_count_corrs[tf_name] = corrs
# Single-task fine-tune
corrs = []
for task_index in tqdm.notebook.trange(num_tasks[tf_name]):
fold = st_best_folds[tf_name][task_index]
pred_perf_path = os.path.join(
"%s_singletask_profile_finetune_fold%d" % (tf_name, fold),
"task_%d" % task_index,
"%s_singletask_profile_finetune_task%d_fold%d_pred_perf.h5" % (tf_name, task_index, fold)
log_true_counts, log_pred_counts = extract_counts(
[filter_coords_by_chroms(task_coords[tf_name][task_index], all_fold_test_chroms[fold])]
scipy.stats.pearsonr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
scipy.stats.spearmanr(np.ravel(log_true_counts), np.ravel(log_pred_counts))[0],
st_best_fold_count_corrs[tf_name] = corrs
def label_bars(ax, bars):
for bar in bars:
height = bar.get_height()
"%.3f" % height, xy=(bar.get_x() + (bar.get_width() / 2), height),
xytext=(0, 1), textcoords="offset points", ha="center", va="bottom"
for tf_name in tf_names:
for task_index in range(num_tasks[tf_name]):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(20, 8))
for i in range(2):
mt_all_fold_vals = [mt_all_fold_count_corrs[tf_name][fold][task_index][i] for fold in range(1, 11)]
st_all_fold_vals = [st_all_fold_count_corrs[tf_name][fold][task_index][i] for fold in range(1, 11)]
mt_best_fold_val = mt_best_fold_count_corrs[tf_name][task_index][i]
st_best_fold_val = st_best_fold_count_corrs[tf_name][task_index][i]
mt_best_fold = mt_best_folds[tf_name]
st_best_fold = st_best_folds[tf_name][task_index]
mt_vals = mt_all_fold_vals + [mt_best_fold_val, mt_all_fold_vals[st_best_fold - 1]]
st_vals = st_all_fold_vals + [st_all_fold_vals[mt_best_fold - 1], st_best_fold_val]
x = np.arange(len(mt_vals))
width = 0.4
mt_bars = ax[i].bar(
x - (width / 2), mt_vals, width=width, color="darkorange", align="center", label="Multi-task"
st_bars = ax[i].bar(
x + (width / 2), st_vals, width=width, color="royalblue", align="center", label="Single-task"
label_bars(ax[i], mt_bars)
label_bars(ax[i], st_bars)
labels = ["Fold %d" % fold for fold in range(1, 11)]
labels += ["MT FT vs\nST fold %d" % mt_best_fold]
labels += ["MT fold %d vs\nST FT" % st_best_fold]
ax[0].set_title("Log count Pearson correlations")
ax[1].set_title("Log count Spearman correlations")
fig.suptitle("%s: task %d" % (tf_name, task_index))
plt.legend(loc="lower right")