Summary of motifs

Motif footprints and distributions

Motif instance prevalences

Co-occurrence statistics

Define constants and paths

Helper functions

Summary of motifs

Motifs are trimmed based on information content, and presented in descending order by number of supporting seqlets. The motifs are separated by metacluster. The motifs are presented as PWMs, CWMs, and eCWMs. We show the forward orientation, which is defined as the orientation that is richer in purines.

Motif footprints and distributions

For each motif, we show the binding footprint as the set of observed and model-predicted profiles surrounding instances of the motif. We also show the distribution of distances between instances of the motif and the nearest called peak summit. For clarity, we reproduce the CWM as shown above for each motif.

Motif instance prevalences

We show a cumulative distribution of how many motif instances are found per peak. We also show a bar plot of how many instances of each motif were found across all peaks.

Co-occurrence statistics

We show the significance of motifs co-occurring with each other in peaks. This can two motifs that tend to co-occur each each other, or a single motif that tends to occur multiple times in single peaks. We show a heatmap of co-occurrence significance across all pairs of motifs. For significantly co-occurring motifs, we compute the distribution of distances between motifs in peaks.