%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%reset -f
import os
import sys
from tfmodisco.run_tfmodisco import import_shap_scores
from motif.read_motifs import trim_motif_by_ic
from motif.moods import import_moods_hits
from motif.tfmodisco_hit_scoring import import_tfmodisco_hits
from util import figure_to_vdom_image, import_peak_table
import plot.viz_sequence as viz_sequence
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pomegranate
import sklearn.cluster
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
import vdom.helpers as vdomh
from IPython.display import display
import tqdm
/users/amtseng/miniconda3/envs/tfmodisco-mini/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:25: TqdmDeprecationWarning: This function will be removed in tqdm==5.0.0 Please use `tqdm.notebook.tqdm` instead of `tqdm.tqdm_notebook`
<tqdm.notebook.tqdm_notebook at 0x7fdc0cd55b50>
# Plotting defaults
plot_params = {
"figure.titlesize": 22,
"axes.titlesize": 22,
"axes.labelsize": 20,
"legend.fontsize": 18,
"font.size": 13,
"xtick.labelsize": 16,
"ytick.labelsize": 16,
"font.family": "Roboto",
"font.weight": "bold"
/users/amtseng/miniconda3/envs/tfmodisco-mini/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:4: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The createFontList function was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.2 and will be removed two minor releases later. Use FontManager.addfont instead. after removing the cwd from sys.path.
# Define parameters/fetch arguments
tf_name = os.environ["TFM_TF_NAME"]
tfm_results_path = os.environ["TFM_TFM_PATH"]
shap_scores_path = os.environ["TFM_SHAP_PATH"]
hyp_score_key = os.environ["TFM_HYP_SCORE_KEY"]
if "TFM_TASK_INDEX" in os.environ:
task_index = int(os.environ["TFM_TASK_INDEX"])
task_index = None
if "TFM_PEAKS" in os.environ:
# If provided, this overrides the peaks defined by the TF name and task index
peak_bed_paths = os.environ["TFM_PEAKS"].split(",")
peak_bed_paths = []
motif_hits_path = os.environ["TFM_HITS_PATH"]
if "TFM_HITS_CACHE" in os.environ:
hits_cache_dir = os.environ["TFM_HITS_CACHE"]
hits_cache_dir = None
print("TF name: %s" % tf_name)
print("TF-MoDISco results path: %s" % tfm_results_path)
print("DeepSHAP scores path: %s" % shap_scores_path)
print("Importance score key: %s" % hyp_score_key)
print("Task index: %s" % task_index)
print("Peak BED paths: %s" % ",".join(peak_bed_paths))
print("Motif hits path: %s" % motif_hits_path)
print("Saved motif hits cache: %s" % hits_cache_dir)
TF name: REST TF-MoDISco results path: /users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/tfmodisco/multitask_profile_finetune/REST_multitask_profile_finetune_fold7/REST_multitask_profile_finetune_task0_fold7_profile_tfm.h5 DeepSHAP scores path: /users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/importance_scores/multitask_profile_finetune/REST_multitask_profile_finetune_fold7/REST_multitask_profile_finetune_task0_fold7_imp_scores.h5 Importance score key: profile_hyp_scores Task index: 0 Peak BED paths: Motif hits path: /users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/tfmodisco_hit_scoring/multitask_profile_finetune/REST_multitask_profile_finetune_task0_fold7_profile_halfsites/halfsites_only/tfm_matches.bed Saved motif hits cache: /users/amtseng/tfmodisco/results/reports/motif_hits//cache/tfm/multitask_profile_finetune//REST_multitask_profile_finetune_fold7_profile_halfsites/halfsites_only
# Constants
input_length = 2114 if "TFM_INPUT_LEN" not in os.environ else int(os.environ["TFM_INPUT_LEN"])
motif_moods_imp_perc_cutoff = 0.10 # For MOODS hits
motif_tfm_sim_perc_cutoff = 0.05 # For TF-MoDISco hits
motif_tfm_imp_perc_cutoff = 0.05 # For TF-MoDISco hits
seed = 20210412
# Paths to original called peaks
if not peak_bed_paths:
# Use TF name and task index
base_path = "/users/amtseng/tfmodisco/"
data_path = os.path.join(base_path, "data/processed/ENCODE/")
labels_path = os.path.join(data_path, "labels/%s" % tf_name)
all_peak_beds = sorted([item for item in os.listdir(labels_path) if item.endswith(".bed.gz")])
if task_index is None:
peak_bed_paths = [os.path.join(labels_path, item) for item in all_peak_beds]
peak_bed_paths = [os.path.join(labels_path, all_peak_beds[task_index])]
if hits_cache_dir:
os.makedirs(hits_cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
For plotting and organizing things
def import_tfmodisco_motifs(tfm_results_path, trim=True, only_pos=True):
Imports the PFMs to into a dictionary, mapping `(x, y)` to the PFM,
where `x` is the metacluster index and `y` is the pattern index.
`tfm_results_path`: path to HDF5 containing TF-MoDISco results
`out_dir`: where to save motifs
`trim`: if True, trim the motif flanks based on information content
`only_pos`: if True, only return motifs with positive contributions
Returns the dictionary of PFMs.
pfms = {}
with h5py.File(tfm_results_path, "r") as f:
metaclusters = f["metacluster_idx_to_submetacluster_results"]
num_metaclusters = len(metaclusters.keys())
for metacluster_i, metacluster_key in enumerate(metaclusters.keys()):
metacluster = metaclusters[metacluster_key]
if "patterns" not in metacluster["seqlets_to_patterns_result"]:
patterns = metacluster["seqlets_to_patterns_result"]["patterns"]
num_patterns = len(patterns["all_pattern_names"][:])
for pattern_i, pattern_name in enumerate(patterns["all_pattern_names"][:]):
pattern_name = pattern_name.decode()
pattern = patterns[pattern_name]
pfm = pattern["sequence"]["fwd"][:]
cwm = pattern["task0_contrib_scores"]["fwd"][:]
# Check that the contribution scores are overall positive
if only_pos and np.sum(cwm) < 0:
if trim:
pfm = trim_motif_by_ic(pfm, pfm)
pfms["%d_%d" % (metacluster_i,pattern_i)] = pfm
return pfms
def import_motif_hits(motif_hits_path):
Imports the motif hits, which may be an output of MOODS scanning
or TF-MoDISco hit scanning. Depending on the number of columns, the
hits are imported appropriately.
with open(motif_hits_path, "r") as f:
cols = next(f).split("\t")
if len(cols) == 10:
print("MOODS hits")
hit_table = import_moods_hits(motif_hits_path)
elif len(cols) == 16:
print("TF-MoDISco hits")
hit_table = import_tfmodisco_hits(motif_hits_path)
# Sort by aggregate similarity and drop duplicates (by strand)
hit_table = hit_table.sort_values("agg_sim")
hit_table = hit_table.drop_duplicates(["chrom", "start", "end", "peak_index"], keep="last")
raise ValueError("Motif hits file of unknown format/source: %s" % motif_hits_path)
return hit_table
def estimate_mode(x_values, bins=200, levels=1):
Estimates the mode of the distribution using `levels`
iterations of histograms.
hist, edges = np.histogram(x_values, bins=bins)
bin_mode = np.argmax(hist)
left_edge, right_edge = edges[bin_mode], edges[bin_mode + 1]
if levels <= 1:
return (left_edge + right_edge) / 2
return estimate_mode(
x_values[(x_values >= left_edge) & (x_values < right_edge)],
levels=(levels - 1)
def fit_tight_exponential_dist(x_values, mode=0, percentiles=np.arange(0.05, 1, 0.05)):
Given an array of x-values and a set of percentiles of the distribution,
computes the set of lambda values for an exponential distribution if the
distribution were fit to each percentile of the x-values. Returns an array
of lambda values parallel to `percentiles`. The exponential distribution
is assumed to have the given mean/mode, and all data less than this mode
is tossed out when doing this computation.
assert np.min(percentiles) >= 0 and np.max(percentiles) <= 1
x_values = x_values[x_values >= mode]
per_x_vals = np.percentile(x_values, percentiles * 100)
return -np.log(1 - percentiles) / (per_x_vals - mode)
def exponential_pdf(x_values, lamb):
return lamb * np.exp(-lamb * x_values)
def exponential_cdf(x_values, lamb):
return 1 - np.exp(-lamb * x_values)
def filter_moods_peak_hits(hit_table, score_column="imp_frac_score", imp_perc_cutoff=0.05):
Filters the table of peak hits by the score defined by
`score_column` by fitting a mixture model to the score
distribution, taking the exponential component, and then fitting a
percentile-tightened exponential distribution to this component.
The lowest percentile specified by `imp_perc_cutoff` of this null is
cut out. Returns a reduced hit table of the same format, a figure for the score
scores = hit_table[score_column].values
scores_finite = scores[np.isfinite(scores)]
mode = estimate_mode(scores_finite)
# Fit mixture of models to scores (mode-shifted)
over_mode_scores = scores_finite[scores_finite >= mode] - mode
mixed_model = pomegranate.GeneralMixtureModel.from_samples(
3, over_mode_scores[:, None]
mixed_model = mixed_model.fit(over_mode_scores)
mixed_model_exp_dist = mixed_model.distributions[0]
# Obtain a distribution of scores that belong to the exponential distribution
exp_scores = over_mode_scores[mixed_model.predict(over_mode_scores[:, None]) == 0]
# Fit a tight exponential distribution based on percentiles
lamb = np.max(fit_tight_exponential_dist(exp_scores))
# Plot score distribution and fit
score_fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(20, 20))
x = np.linspace(np.min(scores_finite), np.max(scores_finite), 200)[1:] # Skip first bucket (it's usually very large
mix_dist_pdf = mixed_model.probability(x)
mixed_model_exp_dist_pdf = mixed_model_exp_dist.probability(x)
perc_dist_pdf = exponential_pdf(x, lamb)
perc_dist_cdf = exponential_cdf(x, lamb)
thresh = scipy.stats.expon.ppf(imp_perc_cutoff, loc=mode, scale=(1 / lamb))
# Plot mixed model
ax[0].hist(over_mode_scores + mode, bins=500, density=True, alpha=0.3)
ax[0].plot(x + mode, mix_dist_pdf, label="Mixed model")
ax[0].plot(x + mode, mixed_model_exp_dist_pdf, label="Exponential component")
# Plot fitted PDF
ax[1].hist(exp_scores, bins=500, density=True, alpha=0.3)
ax[1].plot(x + mode, perc_dist_pdf, label="Percentile-fitted")
# Plot fitted CDF
ax[2].hist(exp_scores, bins=500, density=True, alpha=1, cumulative=True, histtype="step")
ax[2].plot(x + mode, perc_dist_cdf, label="Percentile-fitted")
ax[0].set_title("Motif hit scores")
return hit_table.loc[hit_table[score_column] >= thresh].reset_index(drop=True), score_fig
def filter_tfm_peak_hits(
hit_table, sim_score_column="agg_sim", imp_score_column="imp_frac_score",
sim_perc_cutoff=0.05, imp_perc_cutoff=0.05
Filters the table of peak hits by the score defined by
`score_column` by filtering out low-percentile hits in terms of both
similarity to the cluster, and importance score.
For the similarity score, a mixed model is fit to the distribution of
simiarities, and the low percentiles of the exponential component (the
null) are cut off. For the importance score filter, a Gaussian null
is fit to the part of the score distribution to the left of the mode
(mirroring it around the mode), and then applying the percentile
cut-off. Returns a reduced hit table of the same format, and a figure
of the similarity distribution and the importance distribution.
# Similarity filtering
sim_scores = hit_table[sim_score_column].values
sim_scores_finite = sim_scores[np.isfinite(sim_scores)]
sim_mode = estimate_mode(sim_scores_finite)
sim_scores_below_mode = sim_scores_finite[sim_scores_finite <= sim_mode]
sim_scores_symmetric = np.concatenate([sim_scores_below_mode, (2 * sim_mode) - sim_scores_below_mode])
sim_null_model = pomegranate.NormalDistribution.from_samples(sim_scores_symmetric)
sim_x = np.linspace(np.min(sim_scores_symmetric), np.max(sim_scores_symmetric), 200)
sim_pdf = sim_null_model.probability(sim_x)
sim_score_fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 6))
ax.hist(sim_scores_finite, bins=500, density=True, alpha=0.3, label="Similarity scores")
ax.hist(sim_scores_symmetric, bins=500, density=True, alpha=0.3, label="Null component")
ax.plot(sim_x, sim_pdf, label="Fitted null model")
mean, std = sim_null_model.parameters
sim_thresh = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(sim_perc_cutoff, mean, std)
# Importance score filtering
imp_scores = hit_table[imp_score_column].values
imp_scores_finite = imp_scores[np.isfinite(imp_scores)]
imp_mode = estimate_mode(imp_scores_finite)
imp_scores_below_mode = imp_scores_finite[imp_scores_finite <= imp_mode]
imp_scores_symmetric = np.concatenate([imp_scores_below_mode, (2 * imp_mode) - imp_scores_below_mode])
imp_null_model = pomegranate.NormalDistribution.from_samples(imp_scores_symmetric)
imp_x = np.linspace(np.min(imp_scores_symmetric), np.max(imp_scores_symmetric), 200)
imp_pdf = imp_null_model.probability(imp_x)
imp_score_fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 6))
ax.hist(imp_scores_finite, bins=500, density=True, alpha=0.3, label="Importance scores")
ax.hist(imp_scores_symmetric, bins=500, density=True, alpha=0.3, label="Null component")
ax.plot(imp_x, imp_pdf, label="Fitted null model")
mean, std = imp_null_model.parameters
imp_thresh = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(imp_perc_cutoff, mean, std)
return hit_table.loc[
(hit_table[sim_score_column] >= sim_thresh) & (hit_table[imp_score_column] >= imp_thresh)
].reset_index(drop=True), (sim_score_fig, imp_score_fig)
def get_peak_hits(peak_table, hit_table):
For each peak, extracts the set of motif hits that fall in that peak.
Returns a list mapping peak index to a subtable of `hit_table`. The index
of the list is the index of the peak table.
peak_hits = [pd.DataFrame(columns=list(hit_table))] * len(peak_table)
for peak_index, matches in tqdm.notebook.tqdm(hit_table.groupby("peak_index")):
# Check that all of the matches are indeed overlapping the peak
peak_row = peak_table.iloc[peak_index]
chrom, start, end = peak_row["chrom"], peak_row["peak_start"], peak_row["peak_end"]
assert np.all(matches["chrom"] == chrom)
assert np.all((matches["start"] < end) & (start < matches["end"]))
peak_hits[peak_index] = matches
return peak_hits
def get_peak_motif_counts(peak_hits, motif_keys):
From the peak hits (as returned by `get_peak_hits`), computes a count
array of size N x M, where N is the number of peaks and M is the number of
motifs. Each entry represents the number of times a motif appears in a peak.
`motif_keys` is a list of motif keys as they appear in `peak_hits`; the
order of the motifs M matches this list.
motif_inds = {motif_keys[i] : i for i in range(len(motif_keys))}
counts = np.zeros((len(peak_hits), len(motif_keys)), dtype=int)
for i in tqdm.notebook.trange(len(peak_hits)):
hits = peak_hits[i]
for key, num in zip(*np.unique(hits["key"], return_counts=True)):
counts[i][motif_inds[key]] = num
return counts
def cluster_matrix_indices(matrix, num_clusters):
Clusters matrix using k-means. Always clusters on the first
axis. Returns the indices needed to optimally order the matrix
by clusters.
if len(matrix) == 1:
# Don't cluster at all
return np.array([0])
num_clusters = min(num_clusters, len(matrix))
# Perform k-means clustering
kmeans = sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters)
cluster_assignments = kmeans.fit_predict(matrix)
# Perform hierarchical clustering on the cluster centers to determine optimal ordering
kmeans_centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_
cluster_order = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.leaves_list(
scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(kmeans_centers, method="centroid"), kmeans_centers
# Order the peaks so that the cluster assignments follow the optimal ordering
cluster_inds = []
for cluster_id in cluster_order:
cluster_inds.append(np.where(cluster_assignments == cluster_id)[0])
cluster_inds = np.concatenate(cluster_inds)
return cluster_inds
def plot_peak_motif_indicator_heatmap(peak_hit_counts, motif_keys, subsample=None):
Plots a simple indicator heatmap of the motifs in each peak.
Returns the figure.
# Subsample peaks
if subsample:
peak_hit_counts = peak_hit_counts[np.random.choice(
len(peak_hit_counts), size=min(len(peak_hit_counts), subsample), replace=False
peak_hit_indicators = (peak_hit_counts > 0).astype(int)
# Order columns by prevalence (by number of peaks with that motif)
counts = np.sum(peak_hit_indicators, axis=0)
inds = np.flip(np.argsort(counts))
matrix = peak_hit_indicators[:, inds]
motif_keys = np.array(motif_keys)[inds]
# Order rows in "binary" order
places = np.power(2, np.flip(np.arange(matrix.shape[1])))
values = np.sum(matrix * places, axis=1)
inds = np.flip(np.argsort(values))
matrix = matrix[inds]
# Create a figure with the right dimensions
fig_height = min(len(peak_hit_indicators) * 0.004, 8)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, fig_height))
# Plot the heatmap
ax.imshow(matrix, interpolation="nearest", aspect="auto", cmap="Greens")
# Set axes on heatmap
return fig
def plot_homotypic_densities(peak_hit_counts, motif_keys):
Plots a CDF of number of motif hits per peak, for each motif.
Returns a dictionary mapping motif key to figure.
figs = {}
for i in range(len(motif_keys)):
counts = peak_hit_counts[:, i]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
bins = np.concatenate([np.arange(np.max(counts)), [np.inf]])
ax.hist(counts, bins=bins, density=True, histtype="step", cumulative=True)
ax.set_title("Cumulative distribution of number of %s hits per peak" % motif_keys[i])
ax.set_xlabel("Number of motifs k in peak")
ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of peaks with at least k motifs")
figs[motif_keys[i]] = fig
return figs
def get_motif_cooccurrence_count_matrix(peak_hit_counts):
From an N x M (peaks by motifs) array of hit counts, returns
an M x M array of counts (i.e. how many times two motifs occur
together in the same peak). For the diagonal entries, we require
that motif occur at least twice in a peak to be counted.
peak_hit_indicators = (peak_hit_counts > 0).astype(int)
num_motifs = peak_hit_indicators.shape[1]
count_matrix = np.zeros((num_motifs, num_motifs), dtype=int)
for i in range(num_motifs):
for j in range(i):
pair_col = np.sum(peak_hit_indicators[:, [i, j]], axis=1)
count = np.sum(pair_col == 2)
count_matrix[i, j] = count
count_matrix[j, i] = count
count_matrix[i, i] = np.sum(peak_hit_counts[:, i] >= 2)
return count_matrix
def compute_cooccurrence_pvals(peak_hit_counts):
Given the number of motif hits in each peak, computes p-value of
co-occurrence for each pair of motifs, including self pairs.
Returns an M x M array of p-values for the M motifs.
peak_hit_indicators = (peak_hit_counts > 0).astype(int)
num_peaks, num_motifs = peak_hit_counts.shape
pvals = np.ones((num_motifs, num_motifs))
# Significance is based on a Fisher's exact test. If the motifs were
# present in peaks randomly, we'd independence of occurrence.
# For self-co-occurrence, the null model is not independence, but
# collisions
for i in range(num_motifs):
for j in range(i):
pair_counts = peak_hit_indicators[:, [i, j]]
peaks_with_1 = pair_counts[:, 0] == 1
peaks_with_2 = pair_counts[:, 1] == 1
# Contingency table (universe is set of all peaks):
# no motif 1 | has motif 1
# no motif 2 A | B
# -------------------------+--------------
# has motif 2 C | D
# The Fisher's exact test evaluates the significance of the
# association between the two classifications
cont_table = np.array([
np.sum(~(peaks_with_1) & (~peaks_with_2)),
np.sum(peaks_with_1 & (~peaks_with_2))
np.sum(~(peaks_with_1) & peaks_with_2),
np.sum(peaks_with_1 & peaks_with_2)
pval = scipy.stats.fisher_exact(
cont_table, alternative="greater"
pvals[i, j] = pval
pvals[j, i] = pval
# Self-co-occurrence: Poissonize balls in bins
# Expected number of collisions (via linearity of expectations):
num_hits = np.sum(peak_hit_indicators[:, i]) # number of "balls"
expected_collisions = num_hits * (num_hits - 1) / (2 * num_peaks)
num_collisions = np.sum(peak_hit_counts[:, i] >= 2)
if num_collisions == 0:
pval = 1
pval = 1 - scipy.stats.poisson.cdf(num_collisions, mu=expected_collisions)
pvals[i, i] = pval
return pvals
def plot_motif_cooccurrence_heatmaps(count_matrix, pval_matrix, motif_keys):
Plots a heatmap showing the number of peaks that have both types of
each motif, as well as a heatmap showing the p-value of co-occurrence.
Returns the p-value figure and the count figure, as well as the indices
of motifs used for clustering.
assert count_matrix.shape == pval_matrix.shape
num_motifs = pval_matrix.shape[0]
assert len(motif_keys) == num_motifs
# Cluster by p-value
inds = cluster_matrix_indices(pval_matrix, max(5, num_motifs // 4))
pval_matrix = pval_matrix[inds][:, inds]
count_matrix = count_matrix[inds][:, inds]
motif_keys = np.array(motif_keys)[inds]
# Plot the p-value matrix
fig_width = max(5, num_motifs)
p_fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_width, fig_width))
# Replace 0s with minimum value (we'll label them properly later)
zero_mask = pval_matrix == 0
non_zeros = pval_matrix[~zero_mask]
if not len(non_zeros):
logpval_matrix = np.tile(np.inf, pval_matrix.shape)
min_val = np.min(pval_matrix[~zero_mask])
pval_matrix[zero_mask] = min_val
logpval_matrix = -np.log10(pval_matrix)
hmap = ax.imshow(logpval_matrix)
ax.set_xticklabels(motif_keys, rotation=45)
# Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations.
for i in range(num_motifs):
for j in range(num_motifs):
if zero_mask[i, j]:
text = "Inf"
text = "%.2f" % np.abs(logpval_matrix[i, j])
ax.text(j, i, text, ha="center", va="center")
p_fig.colorbar(hmap, orientation="horizontal")
ax.set_title("-log(p) significance of peaks with both motifs")
# Plot the counts matrix
fig_width = max(5, num_motifs)
c_fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_width, fig_width))
hmap = ax.imshow(count_matrix)
ax.set_xticklabels(motif_keys, rotation=45)
# Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations.
for i in range(num_motifs):
for j in range(num_motifs):
ax.text(j, i, count_matrix[i, j], ha="center", va="center")
c_fig.colorbar(hmap, orientation="horizontal")
ax.set_title("Number of peaks with both motifs")
return p_fig, c_fig, inds
def create_violin_plot(ax, dist_list, colors):
Creates a violin plot on the given instantiated axes.
`dist_list` is a list of vectors. `colors` is a parallel
list of colors for each violin.
num_perfs = len(dist_list)
q1, med, q3 = np.stack([
np.nanpercentile(data, [25, 50, 70], axis=0) for data in dist_list
], axis=1)
iqr = q3 - q1
lower_outlier = q1 - (1.5 * iqr)
upper_outlier = q3 + (1.5 * iqr)
sorted_clipped_data = [ # Remove outliers based on outlier rule
np.sort(vec[(vec >= lower_outlier[i]) & (vec <= upper_outlier[i])])
for i, vec in enumerate(dist_list)
plot_parts = ax.violinplot(
sorted_clipped_data, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False
violin_parts = plot_parts["bodies"]
for i in range(num_perfs):
inds = np.arange(1, num_perfs + 1)
ax.vlines(inds, q1, q3, color="black", linewidth=5, zorder=1)
ax.scatter(inds, med, marker="o", color="white", s=30, zorder=2)
def plot_intermotif_distance_violins(peak_hits, motif_keys, pair_inds, cluster_inds):
For each pair of motifs, plots a violin of distances beween
motifs. Returns a dictionary mapping pairs of motif keys to arrays
of distances, and the figure.
# First, compute the distribution of distances for each pair
distance_dict = {}
key_pairs = []
for i, j in tqdm.notebook.tqdm(pair_inds):
dists = []
for k in range(len(peak_hits)):
hits = peak_hits[k]
hits_1 = hits[hits["key"] == motif_keys[i]]
hits_2 = hits[hits["key"] == motif_keys[j]]
if hits_1.empty or hits_2.empty:
pos_1 = np.array(hits_1["start"])
pos_2 = np.array(hits_2["start"])
len_1 = (hits_1["end"] - hits_1["start"]).values[0]
len_2 = (hits_2["end"] - hits_2["start"]).values[0]
# Differences beteween all pairs of positions
diffs = pos_2[None] - pos_1[:, None]
# Take minimum distance for each instance of motif 2, but only
# if the distance is an appropriate length
for row in diffs:
row = row[row != 0]
if not row.size:
dist = row[np.argmin(np.abs(row))]
if (dist < 0 and dist < -len_2) or (dist > 0 and dist > len_1):
dists = np.array(dists)
if not dists.size:
key_pair = (motif_keys[i], motif_keys[j])
distance_dict[key_pair] = np.abs(dists) # Take absolute value of distance
if not distance_dict:
print("No significantly co-occurring motifs")
return distance_dict, None
# Create the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
nrows=len(motif_keys), ncols=len(motif_keys),
figsize=(len(motif_keys) * 4, len(motif_keys) * 4)
if type(ax) is not np.ndarray:
ax = np.array([[ax]])
# Map motif key to axis index
key_to_index = dict(zip(np.array(motif_keys)[cluster_inds], np.arange(len(motif_keys))))
def clean_subplot(ax):
# Do this instead of ax.axis("off"), which would also remove any
# axis labels
for orient in ("top", "bottom", "left", "right"):
# Create violins
for i in range(len(motif_keys)):
for j in range(i, len(motif_keys)):
key_1, key_2 = motif_keys[i], motif_keys[j]
key_pair, rev_key_pair = (key_1, key_2), (key_2, key_1)
axis_1, axis_2 = key_to_index[key_1], key_to_index[key_2]
# Always plot lower triangle
if axis_1 < axis_2:
axis_1, axis_2 = axis_2, axis_1
if key_pair in distance_dict or rev_key_pair in distance_dict:
if rev_key_pair in distance_dict:
key_pair = rev_key_pair
dist = distance_dict[key_pair]
create_violin_plot(ax[axis_1, axis_2], [dist], ["mediumorchid"])
ax[axis_1, axis_2].set_xticks([]) # Remove x-axis labels, as they don't mean much
if axis_1 != axis_2:
# If off diagonal, clean the axes of the symmetric cell
clean_subplot(ax[axis_2, axis_1])
clean_subplot(ax[axis_1, axis_2])
clean_subplot(ax[axis_2, axis_1])
# Make motif labels
for i in range(len(motif_keys)):
ax[i, 0].set_ylabel(motif_keys[cluster_inds[i]])
ax[-1, i].set_xlabel(motif_keys[cluster_inds[i]])
# Remove x-axis labels/ticks
ax[-1, -1].set_xticks([])
fig.suptitle("Distance distributions between co-occurring motifs")
fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.98])
return distance_dict, fig
# Import the PFMs
pfms = import_tfmodisco_motifs(tfm_results_path)
motif_keys = list(pfms.keys())
# Import peaks
peak_table = import_peak_table(peak_bed_paths)
# Expand to input length
peak_table["peak_start"] = \
(peak_table["peak_start"] + peak_table["summit_offset"]) - (input_length // 2)
peak_table["peak_end"] = peak_table["peak_start"] + input_length
# Import DeepSHAP scores
hyp_scores, act_scores, one_hot_seqs, shap_coords = import_shap_scores(
shap_scores_path, hyp_score_key, center_cut_size=None, remove_non_acgt=False
Importing SHAP scores: 0%| | 0/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Importing SHAP scores: 17%|█▋ | 1/6 [00:00<00:02, 1.93it/s] Importing SHAP scores: 33%|███▎ | 2/6 [00:01<00:02, 1.88it/s] Importing SHAP scores: 50%|█████ | 3/6 [00:01<00:01, 1.83it/s] Importing SHAP scores: 67%|██████▋ | 4/6 [00:02<00:01, 1.85it/s] Importing SHAP scores: 83%|████████▎ | 5/6 [00:02<00:00, 1.81it/s] Importing SHAP scores: 100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:03<00:00, 1.90it/s]
# Limit SHAP coordinates/scores to only those with matching peak coordinates
shap_coords_table = pd.DataFrame(shap_coords, columns=["chrom", "start", "end"])
peak_coords_table = peak_table[["chrom", "peak_start", "peak_end"]]
order_inds = peak_coords_table.merge(
shap_coords_table.reset_index(), how="left", left_on=["chrom", "peak_start", "peak_end"],
right_on=["chrom", "start", "end"]
order_inds = np.nan_to_num(order_inds, nan=-1).astype(int)
shap_coords = shap_coords[order_inds]
hyp_scores = hyp_scores[order_inds]
act_scores = act_scores[order_inds]
one_hot_seqs = one_hot_seqs[order_inds]
# Whenever a SHAP coord did not exist in the peak table, set to 0
# This ensures that when we search for matches of DeepSHAP scores that don't
# exist, we will find nothing
shap_coords[order_inds < 0] = 0
hyp_scores[order_inds < 0] = 0
act_scores[order_inds < 0] = 0
one_hot_seqs[order_inds < 0] = 0
# Import motif hits results
hit_table = import_motif_hits(motif_hits_path)
TF-MoDISco hits
# Filter motif hit table
if "agg_sim" in list(hit_table):
hit_table_filtered, (sim_score_fig, imp_score_fig) = filter_tfm_peak_hits(
hit_table, sim_perc_cutoff=motif_tfm_sim_perc_cutoff, imp_perc_cutoff=motif_tfm_imp_perc_cutoff
hit_table_filtered, score_fig = filter_moods_peak_hits(
hit_table, imp_perc_cutoff=motif_moods_imp_perc_cutoff
assert not hit_table_filtered.empty, "Filtered out all %d original hits" % len(hit_table)
# Match peaks to motif hits
peak_hits = get_peak_hits(peak_table, hit_table_filtered)
# Construct count array of peaks and hits
peak_hit_counts = get_peak_motif_counts(peak_hits, motif_keys)
# Construct count matrix of motif co-occurrence
motif_cooccurrence_count_matrix = get_motif_cooccurrence_count_matrix(peak_hit_counts)
# Construct the matrix of p-values for motif co-occurrence
motif_cooccurrence_pval_matrix = compute_cooccurrence_pvals(peak_hit_counts)
if hits_cache_dir:
# Save the filtered hits in the cache
os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "filtered_hits.tsv"), sep="\t", header=True, index=False
# Save the peaks
os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "peaks.tsv"), sep="\t", header=True, index=False
# Save a mapping between peak index and filtered motif indices
with open(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "peak_matched_hits.tsv"), "w") as f:
for i, table in enumerate(peak_hits):
f.write("%d\t%s\n" % (i, ",".join([str(x) for x in peak_hits[i].index])))
# Save score figures
if "agg_sim" in list(hit_table):
sim_score_fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "sim_score_dist.png"))
imp_score_fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "imp_score_dist.png"))
score_fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "imp_score_dist.png"))
# Save co-occurrence matrices
with h5py.File(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "cooccurrences.h5"), "w") as f:
f.create_dataset("counts", data=motif_cooccurrence_count_matrix, compression="gzip")
f.create_dataset("pvals", data=motif_cooccurrence_pval_matrix, compression="gzip")
motifs_per_peak = np.array([len(hits) for hits in peak_hits])
display(vdomh.p("Number of peaks: %d" % len(peak_table)))
display(vdomh.p("Number of motif hits before FDR filtering: %d" % len(hit_table)))
display(vdomh.p("Number of motif hits after FDR filtering: %d" % len(hit_table_filtered)))
Number of peaks: 5977
Number of motif hits before FDR filtering: 30408
Number of motif hits after FDR filtering: 28611
num_zero = np.sum(motifs_per_peak == 0)
display(vdomh.p("Number of peaks with 0 motif hits: %d" % num_zero))
display(vdomh.p("Percentage of peaks with 0 motif hits: %.1f%%" % (num_zero / len(peak_table) * 100)))
Number of peaks with 0 motif hits: 1468
Percentage of peaks with 0 motif hits: 24.6%
quants = [0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.99, 1]
header = vdomh.thead(
vdomh.th("Quantile", style={"text-align": "center"}),
vdomh.th("Number of hits/peak", style={"text-align": "center"})
body = vdomh.tbody(*([
vdomh.td("%.1f%%" % (q * 100)), vdomh.td("%d" % v)
) for q, v in zip(quants, np.quantile(motifs_per_peak, quants))
vdomh.table(header, body)
Quantile | Number of hits/peak |
0.0% | 0 |
25.0% | 1 |
50.0% | 5 |
75.0% | 8 |
99.0% | 13 |
100.0% | 18 |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
bins = np.concatenate([np.arange(np.max(motifs_per_peak) + 1), [np.inf]])
ax.hist(motifs_per_peak, bins=bins, density=True, histtype="step", cumulative=True)
ax.set_title("Cumulative distribution of number of motif hits per peak")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of motifs k in peak")
ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of peaks with at least k motifs")
if hits_cache_dir:
fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "peak_hit_count_cdf.png"))
/users/amtseng/miniconda3/envs/tfmodisco-mini/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:6662: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply tops = (tops * np.diff(bins))[:, slc].cumsum(axis=1)[:, slc]
frac_peaks_with_motif = np.sum(peak_hit_counts > 0, axis=0) / len(peak_hit_counts)
labels = np.array(motif_keys)
sorted_inds = np.flip(np.argsort(frac_peaks_with_motif))
frac_peaks_with_motif = frac_peaks_with_motif[sorted_inds]
labels = labels[sorted_inds]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 8))
ax.bar(np.arange(len(labels)), frac_peaks_with_motif)
ax.set_title("Proportion of peaks with each motif")
if hits_cache_dir:
fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "peaks_with_each_motif.png"))
# Show some examples of sequences with motif hits
num_to_draw = 3
center_plot_size = 400
unique_counts = np.sort(np.unique(motifs_per_peak))
motif_nums = []
if 0 in motifs_per_peak:
if 1 in motifs_per_peak:
unique_counts[0], # Minimum
unique_counts[len(unique_counts) // 2], # Median
unique_counts[-1], # Maximum
for motif_num in np.sort(np.unique(motif_nums)):
display(vdomh.h4("Sequences with %d motif hits" % motif_num))
peak_inds = np.where(motifs_per_peak == motif_num)[0]
table_rows = []
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
for i in rng.choice(
peak_inds, size=min(num_to_draw, len(peak_inds)), replace=False
peak_coord = peak_table.iloc[i][["chrom", "peak_start", "peak_end"]].values
motif_hits = peak_hits[i]
chrom, peak_start, peak_end = peak_coord
# Limit peak start/end here
mid = (peak_start + peak_end) // 2
peak_start = mid - (center_plot_size // 2)
peak_end = peak_start + center_plot_size
peak_len = peak_end - peak_start
mask = (shap_coords[:, 0] == chrom) & (shap_coords[:, 1] <= peak_start) & (shap_coords[:, 2] >= peak_end)
if not np.sum(mask):
fig = "No matching input sequence found"
vdomh.td("%s:%d-%d" % (chrom, peak_start, peak_end)),
seq_index = np.where(mask)[0][0] # Pick one
imp_scores = act_scores[seq_index]
_, seq_start, seq_end = shap_coords[seq_index]
highlights = []
for _, row in motif_hits.iterrows():
start = row["start"] - peak_start
end = start + (row["end"] - row["start"])
highlights.append((start, end))
# Remove highlights that overrun the sequence
highlights = [(a, b) for a, b in highlights if a >= 0 and b < peak_len]
start = peak_start - seq_start
end = start + peak_len
imp_scores_peak = imp_scores[start:end]
fig = viz_sequence.plot_weights(
imp_scores_peak, subticks_frequency=(len(imp_scores_peak) + 1),
highlight={"red" : [pair for pair in highlights]},
fig = figure_to_vdom_image(fig)
vdomh.td("%s:%d-%d" % (chrom, peak_start, peak_end)),
table = vdomh.table(*table_rows)
chrEBV:86509-86909 | No matching input sequence found |
chr3:186783410-186783810 | |
chrEBV:161490-161890 | No matching input sequence found |
chr2:231464170-231464570 | |
chr22:50508095-50508495 | |
chr9:99221541-99221941 |
chr4:79141526-79141926 | |
chr6:29733060-29733460 | |
chr20:61331668-61332068 |
chr19:15080010-15080410 | |
chr1:24197610-24198010 |
density_figs = plot_homotypic_densities(peak_hit_counts, motif_keys)
if hits_cache_dir:
for key, fig in density_figs.items():
fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "homotypic_density_%s.png" % key))
/users/amtseng/miniconda3/envs/tfmodisco-mini/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:6662: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply tops = (tops * np.diff(bins))[:, slc].cumsum(axis=1)[:, slc]
/users/amtseng/miniconda3/envs/tfmodisco-mini/lib/python3.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py:6662: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply tops = (tops * np.diff(bins))[:, slc].cumsum(axis=1)[:, slc]
fig = plot_peak_motif_indicator_heatmap(peak_hit_counts, motif_keys, subsample=10000)
if hits_cache_dir:
fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "peak_motif_indicator_heatmap.png"))
p_fig, c_fig, cluster_inds = plot_motif_cooccurrence_heatmaps(
motif_cooccurrence_count_matrix, motif_cooccurrence_pval_matrix, motif_keys
if hits_cache_dir:
p_fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "cooccurrence_pvals.png"))
c_fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "cooccurrence_counts.png"))
When motifs co-occur, show the distance between the instances
# Get which pairs of motifs are significant
sig_thresh = 1e-6
count_thresh = 100
pvals, sig_pairs = [], []
for i in range(len(motif_keys)):
for j in range(i + 1):
if motif_cooccurrence_pval_matrix[i, j] < sig_thresh and motif_cooccurrence_count_matrix[i, j] >= count_thresh:
sig_pairs.append((i, j))
pvals.append(motif_cooccurrence_pval_matrix[i, j])
inds = np.argsort(pvals)
sig_pairs = [sig_pairs[i] for i in inds]
distance_dict, fig = plot_intermotif_distance_violins(peak_hits, motif_keys, sig_pairs, cluster_inds)
if hits_cache_dir:
if fig is not None:
with h5py.File(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "intermotif_dists.h5"), "w") as f:
for key_pair, dists in distance_dict.items():
f.create_dataset("%s:%s" % key_pair, data=dists, compression="gzip")
fig.savefig(os.path.join(hits_cache_dir, "intermotif_dists.png"))